Chapter Seven

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"So this is what she gave me?"
I question as I swing the chain of a pocketwatch necklace in front of me.

I didn't get why this watch is needed.Well, yeah, the White hare uses a watch similar to this one to control the time of Wonderland, but I don't think this is the same one.

We are currently on the path through the burnt forest.It wasn't actually burnt. So the trees provided a good cover for when we stop for the night.

I lean against a tree and cross my legs watching as Alice starts a fire quickly. 

"So where exactly are we headed?" Alice asks.

I pull the map I had made from my bag. I had been to the Under forest too many times to count and this map resulted from it.

Unrolling it on my legs, my eyes use what little light there is from the fire to read the lines.

"This can't be right." I murmur.

"What's wrong?" Hatter asks curious.

"Well this map directs us to the only entrance in Wonderland to the Under forest.

"There's only one way in and out then?"

I shake my head, "No, there's only one way in. Not out. I know where the main exit is, because it stays the same. But this shows..."

"What?" Alice and Hatter ask jinxing each other.

"That the entrance to the Under Forest is in the Red Castle."


The next morning, we find ourselves straying from the original path that was suppose to lead to the entrance to the forest.

New plan. Get into the Red Castle. Avoid being beheaded.

We eventually come to the servants entrance, around the back of the walls.

Of course, Hatter went ahead and got help from one of the loyalists of the White Queen. Both of them are waiting for us there.

He has clothes for us to change into so that we wouldn't stand out. Alice and I quickly don the outfits, say our goodbyes to Hatter and we begin the journey into the Red Castle.


The hallways are dark and no light filters through the curtains as we carefully and soundlessly make our way toward where the map is leading us. 


"Yeah Alice?"

"Why were you Exiled?"

I don't respond as we round a corner and the curtains are flung open making light flood the hallway.

Oh no.

Soldiers grab Alice and I and the doors at the far end of the hallway burst open and who comes through them?

The Red Queen.

 "I knew you would find your way back here!" She exclaims loud enough to make me wince as a sudden headache blooms. Cat hearing. Ugh.

"Bring them to the throne room."
She orders and turns around leaving as quickly as she came in.


We are dragged by our arms through countless doors and down many hallways leaving enough scrap marks to last for a while.

Finally we make it to the Throne room.

We are greeted by the sight of the Red Queen with a pig under her feet. Ugh. Poor pig.

"Alice, welcome back to Wonderland. And Cheshire Cat,where have you been all this time?"

I growl lowly in my throat at her words. Clearly she is mocking me, shoving the fact that she was banished and I was Exiled.

Here in Wonderland, Banished means that you have a high chance of returning. Exiled? Not so much.

"What brings you both back here? Oh I know! The Stone of Wonder perhaps?"

Alice and I share a dark look between us. The Red Queen knows of the Stone's existence then? I myself can't even confirm that the Stone is real.

"I'll make you a deal, little cat."

Growls rumble through my chest at her insult.

"If you find me the Stone of Wonder, I'll spare Alice here."

A plan quickly forms in my mind. It is risky, but it'll have to work.

Remembering where I had seen the entrance to the Under forest, I shove the map into Alice's hand and grab her shoulder Cavorting her to the location.

Just her.

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