Chapter Ten

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When I Cavorted I didn't expect to end up standing on a rooftop teetering on the edge where one slight movement could send me off the end.

I turn my head carefully to look down at the rooftop behind me and see Loki with his arms crossed. I still have the staff in my hands, so I wave it in front of him.

"Want this?" I tease. 

He reaches for it and I cavort to behind him. Poking him in the shoulder, and when he turns around, I quickly drop the staff flinging myself over it and kicking him in the face effectively.

He stumbles backwards clutching his face and I smirk as I land in a crouch.

I rise from the ground and quickly crouch again as Loki comes swinging at me.

"Ya' missed." I tease him harshly.

"Only this time." He snarls.

He goes for the staff but I place my foot on it, pinning it down to the roof.

Grabbing his wrist, I quickly snap the bone in a rough jerk.

He screams out and I place my hands on the roof and twist my body up into the air and wrap my legs around Loki's neck. I yank him forward and he lands on his back with me cutting off his air.

Without a second of hesitation, Loki reaches up towards my stomach and slashes a dagger across the flesh.


Loki untangles himself from my legs and catches his breath quickly before going towards the staff. I just lay there blood seeping through my shirt.

Loki, with the staff in hand points it over my body before saying mockingly, "You missed."

Coughing, I smile up at him, "If you're going to say it wrong, don't say it at all."

Before I Cavort away.


The shocked faces of the Avengers never gets old in my book. Landing on the table on my back is never fun though.


I flinch, "Geez, Natasha, you don't have to yell." 

"You're hurt, Katrine!"

I roll my eyes and smile at my friends panicked antics before I am pulled under by the blissful lull of sleep.


Voices. They swarm in my head like buzzing bees. Sorting through the voices I come across Natasha's own. And what I hear makes me smile a little.

"No, Katrine will royally kill me if I tell you anything."

Opening my eyes slightly, I come face to face with Steve Rogers. Or as the world knows him as Captain America.

"Eek!" I shriek and fall off the bed greeting the floor.

"Are you okay, Katrine?"

I lift my head, and mumble, "Just peachy."

Steve chuckles in the way that only a man can. And sends shivers down my spine at the deepness of it.

Wait, what?

"Do you need some help?"

I snicker and press the side of head into the floor, saying snarkily, "Mentally, yes. Psychically, maybe."

Steve now full on laughs and I smile slightly before pushing onto my side and staring up him, "Gonna help me up, Mr. Rogers?"
He smiles and gently helps me back onto the bed.

"How are you feeling?"

I raise an eyebrow at him, "Do I honestly need to repeat myself?"

He rolls his eyes, and asks, "What happened with Loki?"

I sigh before I recount what exactly went down.

"I think that Loki's staff is somehow turning people to an opposite version of themselves. A worse version."

"What do you mean?"

I fold my hands over my stomach, and stare up at the ceiling, taking a moment before replying, "Everyone has a little of good and evil in them. Not one person is just on one side."

"Even the Avengers?"

I scoff, "Hawkeye was changed wasn't he?"

"Good point."

I recall when Loki tried to turn me and I didn't conform. I should have been changed. Why didn't I?

Then I am reminded of something.

Snapping my fingers I pull out the White Queen's watch from my pants pocket and breathe a sigh of relief when I find it's not broken or damaged in any way.

"Why do you have a pocket watch?" Steve asks curious.

I unclip it from my pants and hand it over to him, "It's something from my home."

Steve studies the front, "So I'm guessing that your home has something going on with Alice in Wonderland?"

I smile slightly, "You could say that."


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