First "Middle of the story short cut"

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Hey everyone! It's me THE AUTHOR!

So first off, I would like to give thanks to my best friend, Hannah. She is an awesome person who has a love for animals, and is like, really really obsessed with horses. I'm a couple years older than her so sometimes I feel like her older sister.

Michael. You really need to stop talking about machines and how they work. No offense dude, but COME ON! Seriously, no offense. You are like a slightly annoying younger brother to me so don't take it to heart.

Patrick. This little....child...still needs to learn his manners and whatnot, but it's not all his fault. I blame his father  and his upbringing. I don't usually curse in author notes or in any books that aren't apart of the story, but his father is a bastard. And that's going easy on him.
He basically told this nine year old boy that he was the reason he (the father) was leaving the family. GO TO HELL GEORGE!

I WOULD continue but Who wants to read all the thank yous?

-------------------------------The real reason why you're reading this....

So first off (Didn't I say that before?)
Katrine (The human part of Cheshire cat if you're confused) Was originally supposed to be a supporting cast member, but I loved the character and her values so much that I decided to take her from my list of possible characters and use her as the main one.

As you might have already guessed, Angel Denton is Natasha (Black Widow). When i first wanted to introduce the Avengers into this story, I had to find someone that could clash with Katrine yet still trust and understand what Katrine is going through. I was originally going to use Steve Rogers to fill that slot, but he wasn't exactly  what I wanted in that said slot. And if you are wondering why Steve as introduced with his own time (A period in where a character is entered for the first time and has his dialogue a little longer than most FYI) is because....WELL you'll just have to wait and see.

As it says in the title, this possibly might be the first and only "Short cut" in the story.

Oh! Almost forgot! The White Queen was actually never suppose to be apart of this story. I was going to write that she had been executed or something along those lines.  But of course  the readers demanded it.


And one more thing...If you have any questions (Nice) comments and or concerns about this book, please do not hesitate to tell me. I even have a personal [skype] account that you can use to voice chat with me! Just let me know you're going to voice call me before you do so i know to accept you.

I also now have a [facebook] account! Listed as my name (Alexandra Rylie) and with a girl looking at a castle while wearing a red dress. Look me up, tell me how your day is going, friend me even! Just let me know that you are from Wattpad or any other site that I am on.

I don't have a [twitter] account...Yet. I am trying to decide whether or not I want one.

i have a [Deviantart] account too! Same name *cough* Alexandra Rylie *cough*.

What else? Oh I'll just list them down below.

[Twitter]: Nada.
[Wattpad]: Well duh you know this one.
Facebook: Alexandra Rylie (Girl wearing a red dress looking at castle is my pic)

Inkitt: Alexandra Rylie

I think that's it!

So let me just end this now and get back to the story you guys probably skipped all that to read!

-Alexandra Rylie

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