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     Almost every single assassin cleared out and dispersed. Whether they went back home or to work for someone else, we didn't know. That Richard kid that the Grand Master had, his son, he didn't say anything. He just glared at us as he walked away. The Fortress was empty, so we gathered whatever was left behind and we destroyed the support beams, letting it crash and break.

     Our job in Silver Streak city was done, our common enemy defeated. "So what happens now?" Fang asked us as we looked over the city. The moon shined brightly in the night sky as I sighed. 

     Kyle shrugged and looked at us. "I don't know what you guy plan to do, but I'm staying here. There's nothing for me back home, and this place still needs a protector of sorts to deal with the rising crime here," He said as he stood up.

     Blake sat on the edge of the rooftop we were on and nodded. "There was an experimental kid, just like me, we fought before. He said there were others out there." He stood up and looked at the outskirts of the town. "I'm gonna find them. Get them a home and give them a chance to live. They deserve that." He closed his eyes for a moment and looked at us. "There was also mention of someone with wings that looked like me. That kid called him... he called him Alpha. I need to find out who that is as well."

     Fang nodded and looked at us. "There was someone back home. He killed my friends, and I know he didn't go to prison like he should have. I have to find him and bring him in." Fang looked at the sky and sighed. "I don't know why, but I feel like if I don't bring him in, my friends will never rest peacefully."

     "Those sound like respectful things to do," I said as I looked at them. I shrugged and pulled out my phone. "Amazing this survived the whole fight." I put it away and sighed. "I have some people I need to visit back home. Have to make sure they're safe and such." I looked at them all, and we all gathered around. "We plan to ever meet again?" We looked at each other and nodded. "We're gonna have to have some kind of way to keep in contact." Kyle pulled out some equipment that looked like bluetooth earpieces and chuckled.

     "I took these from the Grand Master's fortress before we destroyed it. We'll use these to contact one another, should we need to." We each took one and put it in our pockets. Blake shot his wings out and flew off, towards wherever he needed to go. Fang dropped down from the rooftop and began walking towards the train stop. I looked at Kyle and smirked.

     "You know, I thought you'd be essentially useless when we first met," I told him, and he rolled his eyes. "You proved me wrong, you know that? You pulled your weight and helped take down the Grand Master. I feel like you're the strongest of us all. We all have enhancements to keep us fighting, but all you have is a couple of blades, some armor, and a hood." He looked at me and said nothing, but we exchanged a handshake and I walked to the edge of the rooftop. "Take care of yourself, Kyle." I walked off the edge and landed on the ground. I walked to the exit of the city and walked through the outskirts, eventually meeting a small forest a ways away from Silver Streak City. I walked until Silver Streak City was a feint dot in my vision, and then kept walking. If I saw it again, it would be too soon.

     We all had our personal missions to complete, but I knew we'd meet again. Because we were more than just allies now. We were more than brothers, friends, and just a group of outsiders with skills and powers. We were a Wolfpack, and a Wolfpack always sticks by its Pack members.

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