Takahiro's surpise!

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.:.Misaki's POV:.:

"One more thing," I gulped, "Me and Usagi are getting married." Takahiro, based his expression, was not prepared for this at all. I lifted my hand up and blushingly showed him the ring.

Takihiro's face was in utter shock. I could tell he was trying to speak, but that obviously wasn't working out for him. I looked at Usagi and saw him grinning, seeing the surprised face on my brother, that evil bastard.

"I... I, oh, um..." Takahiro started to say nonsense now, forget about Usagi being evil! This was funny as hell to watch, his face is priceless!

I bursted out laughing, "I am so sorry. Takahiro! I know it was so sudden, but it's not like I could hide it! It's ultimate proof that Usagi is mine!"

"I'm not sure what to say..." Takahiro started. "How many years did you say was it again?"

"Five years, yesterday was our anniversary and then Usagi-San proposed to me!" I smiled.

"Wait... That's only a couple of months after you moved in with him?!" My older brother said in surprise.

"Yeah..." I rubbed the back of my head.

"You just tell me that you are dating Usagi and now you're telling me you are his fiancé?" Takahiro said in shock. "Wow, my younger brother is marrying my best friend..."

"I love Misaki a lot so I decided to propose." Usagi told Takahiro.

"Misaki, you are getting married at the age of twenty-three, to Usagi who is thirty-three. That's quite the age difference." He stated.

I shrugged, "I don't care, I love him so it doesn't matter."

"Same with me," Usagi said, "I don't care for his age."

"I'm glad." Takahiro smiled. "So, what made you love him, Misaki?"

"I'm not exactly sure..." I started, "after a while I just kind of realized I loved him."
Even after we did this and that I wasn't really able to see us as a couple, it sounded weird. But I am obviously not going to tell him that. Or how perverted Usagi is, that would be embarrassing! Or how he will sometimes sexually harass me, well its not exactly harassing though.

"Has Usagi done anything weird to you?" Takahiro questioned me.

"Depends on what you mean by 'weird'..." I chuckled. "Over all he has been really good to me." I saw Usagi smile and I smiled back.

"And not to be all personal but..." Takahiro paused, "have you done it, together?"

I could feel my face light up like a Christmas tree. "Uh... Um..."

"What do you think? We have been dating." Usagi stated. This was so embarrassing!

Takahiro squinted his eyes, "okay." He probably tried to visualize it, I could tell. Probably thought it was weird. (No frick Misaki.)

"I will fully support you guys." Takahiro says, "but still! I would have never suspected you guys to be dating all this time. And also isn't this the first person you have ever dated?"

I blushed, "Yes."

"Dang! That's really rare." He said in surprise.

"Why did you come here in the first place?" Usagi asked.

Yeah, I am not sure why Takahiro would come over to their house... So help me!! Oh and should they get married in America? Put suggestions in the comments! Don't worry I am in no writers block, I just love seeing suggestions of what you guys want!

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