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My phone went "Hello?" "Luna- were you asleep?" I sat up "Yes. What's up, Lexi?" "Did you forget!?" "What? Wait, what did I forget?" "We have to be in Pensacola for NXT! It's our debut, how could you forget?!" I shot up and felt dizzy "I'm sorry, when does our flight leave?" She clicked her tongue "2 hours" "Shit! Be over in 10, we're riding together!" "Okay" I quickly hung up and ran to the bathroom and got in the shower, as soon as the water hit my skin I woke up completely. When I got out I blow dried my hair, on the way to my room I spotted Lexi's car out the window so I unlocked the door. I picked through my closet and pulled out a pair of white shorts and a white cropped top, I found my long black cardigan and slid it on. I heard the door close "Luna!" Lexi's voice rang "In my room!" She ran in and pulled my suitcase from under my bed "Just shove stuff in!" I looked at my phone and saw that we had an hour and 10 mins, I straightened my hair and let it hang freely "Lexi, what shoes?" I let her scan my outfit "The white flats with the black sole" she found them and tossed them to me, I slipped them on and she helped me get the bags into the cab and we relaxed back on the seat "I've never had to move so fast before" Lexi chuckled "I can tell" "How?" I closed my eyes "You don't have on any makeup" I fanned her off "I'll live, I'm ugly with or with out" "No, you're not" I looked at her as she shook her head, I honestly love Lexi. She's so sweet to everyone and in top of that she looks like a real life doll, I'm surprised she's been single for as long as she has. She frowned at something on her phone "What's up?" She tucked some hair behind her ear "Hayley is calling....." She looked at me and I nodded "Hello?.....Yeah.....right here.....hold on" she gave me the phone, I waited. "Luna?" "Hayley" "Hi-I just wanted to wish you good luck, and" she stopped herself "I hate this, Luna. We haven't talked in 3 years and I miss you guys, I'm sorry" I'm honestly not mad at Hayley, it just really awkward between us. Does it bother me that she dated Joe...yes. But we weren't together, so she didn't completely betray be. Just partially "Luna, hello?" "I'm here" "Oh. I broke up with Joe" I sighed "Hayley, you didn't have to break up with him because of me" she was silent for a second "Yes, I did. What I did to you was something a best friend should never even think of doing" "I didn't mind..I'll have to call you later, I'm at the airport" "Can you, maybe, call me when you land?" I could hear the question in her voice "Yeah. I will" the line went dead and I sat there staring at my feet "Luna, a little help?" "Oh, right. Sorry"
"Did you call a cab, Luna?" "Yeah,let's get our stuff" I noticed our luggage tags and we pulled them off, we found a bench and sat on it. I got up to find the bathroom, as I walked through the airport my heart stopped. A tall man with long dark hair looked at me "What the hell...." We stared at each other, everything around us seemed to slow down. I quickly turned the corner and out of his sight, what was that? I leaned against the wall and watched people walked past, I waited for a while before heading that way to the bathroom. I did my business and washed my hands, my phone rang "Hey Lexi" "The cab is here, come on" I hung up and quickly got back to where we were and we loaded into the cab "Are you excited?" "Yeah! What if something goes wrong?" She smirked "There aren't many things that could go wrong tonight" I licked my lips "yeah, sure" when we arrived at the hotel I was taken back, it was so big and modern. It had glass sliding doors and 2 men stood on either side "Your names?" "Alexis Kaufman and Luna Drake" he looked at his clipboard "Right. Room 242, your bags should be up there soon" we dropped them he handed us each a key, when we walked in I heard Lexi gasp. Everything is so tropical and white "Let's go" we stepped into the glass door elevator, as it went up we got a full overview of the hotel "Its like a glass pod!" I leaned over and watched the ground get further away, on the way up we went past other elevators. I waved at a little girl and she smiled brightly "Right, Lex?" I got no reply and looked back at her, she was clinging to the rail with her eyes shut tight "Its okay, I forgot about your fear of heights" I laughed and the elevator dinged, she rushed out and I followed behind her "Next time, we take the fucking stairs" I bit my smile back and followed behind her, we got to our room and I pressed the card against the screen and waited for the beep before pushing the door open "everything is just so..bright!" It was legit, huge. It had a full living room and open kitchen are, there were 2 doors across from the T.V. Those must be the bedrooms, the floor was a tan wood with a white fuzzy carpet and a white couch in the middle. The windows were huge with glass and long white curtains, the walls were covered in tan seashell wall paper "I'm tired....and hungry" I plopped down "Me too" "Room service?" "Steph said everything was on her, soooo..." She picked up the phone and picked up a piece of paper that was under it "Hello? Room service?" I dozed off before I could hear the rest
(Lexi POV)
"10 Mins? That's fine, thank you! Hey, Luna.." She was asleep on the couch, I smiled at her and walked to the kitchen to get some water. I pulled out a water bottle and opened it, there was a knock at the door. Room Service is really early... I opened the door and furrowed my brows "Yes, can I help you?" He smirked and moved his hair back "Did you come with a girl? Short, Dark brown hair and brown eyes?" Who the hell is this? "No, why?" I lied. He raised his eyebrows and saw right through my lie "Right. When she wakes up can you tell her to come to come to room 298 before 5? " I shrugged "Whatever" I closed the door and blew out some air, who was that? He seems so familiar....

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