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tw: transphobic slurs, homophobic slurs

also they're in 9th grade now dallon 15, & brendon about to be 15.


"guys, pull out your health books and turn to page 20, chapter 2." i pulled out my text book and opened to a page.

I snorted when a boy in 90s attire and his thumb in the air with a smile. his hair was dark and spiked up a bit.

I looked at brendon and nudged him, he turned to me and I pointed in the book.

"that you." he rolled his eyes and kicked me under the table.

a few minutes later he tapped my shoulder and pointed to a glass of water.

"that you." he sniggered and I even giggled a bit.

"you got jokes, but they aren't funny."

he just laughed even more, which resulted in me laughing too.

"boys? something you wanna share with the class?" mrs. henry interrupted, giving us a dirty look.

"nah, we're good. you can go back to teaching." brendon said, I scowled at him, knowing he had a bit of sass in his answer.

"okay, continue reading then." she turned back around to the board to continue doing whatever she was doing.

the bell soon rang, signaling that the class had ended.

as I sling my bag around me, Brendon pulled on my sleeve. "hey, can you come with me to the bathroom? just to watch?" I nodded, following him to the boys bathroom.

it made me upset that he couldn't even use the bathroom without getting shit from ignorant people.

he went into a stall and did what he had to do. I looked out, making sure everything would be okay.

suddenly, alan walked in, his gang with him.

"looks like we found the bean pole, and where there's a bean pole, there's sure to be a dyke nearby." I rolled my eyes at his stupid remark.

he was honestly stupid.

"so weekes, I have a feeling that brenna's in here isn't she?" he probed, I sighed, knowing he misgendered bren on purpose. 

"it's brendon, & yes, he is. got a problem?" brendon appeared out of the stall, taking his bag from my hand.

"c'mon dal, let's go." I scowled at the group of boys, then followed Bren out the door.

brendon was shoved against a wall, alan holding him up by his shirt.

while his buddy austin held my arms behind my back. I struggled against him, trying to break free.

"you know, cutting your hair & changing your name doesn't make you a guy. it just makes you a dyke." brendon whimpered, as alan breathed in his face.

"aw you're scared I'm gonna hurt you, good thing you've got this faggot over here to protect you huh? I don't hit girls, so you're in luck." he dropped brendon, causing him to slide down the wall.

austin let go of me and their gang of idiots high fived and laughed at one another.

I looked at bren, seeing him visibly shaking his breaths coming out short and strangled.

I wrapped my arms around him and hushed him, rubbing his back.

"shh, bren you're okay. just breathe in and out, in and out. I've got you okay?"

his breathing become steady after a few moments, I hugged him tightly.

"you're okay, I promise."


brendon collapsed on his bed, sighing, but then chucking a pillow at the wall.

"you know what? I don't get it, I just don't get it." he stated, getting up and pacing the room.

"get what, bren?" I questioned him, he stopped and looked at me.

"what gives them the fucking right to treat me and you that way?! nothing! not a single fucking thing and yet, they get away with it." he fumed, I sat in silence for a bit, letting it sink in.

"i know it sucks bren, they gave no right to do it at all. it's ignorance, just plain ignorance. they're programmed to be dumb as fuck cocky cisgender guys. " brendon chuckled at my comment and I smiled.

"I love you dal, you know that?"

I love you too, bren."


Transgender; brallonWhere stories live. Discover now