Chapter two- Carlisle's POV (Edited)

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Chapter Two

Carlisle's POV

"Holy shit!" cried Nathan, as shocked as the rest of us," was that a bomb or something?!"

"No idea, maybe," Kayla said peering inside cautiously while helping Owen to his feet. Out of the blue, Kayla screamed with delight making us all jump out of our skins. She hurriedly said that she found an faded galaxy blanket. She loved galaxy patterned things. She shrouded herself with it and she squealed excitedly; I smiled to myself, she was so cute. Kayla took it off and put it in her bag, which would be been galaxy patterned as well had she not been in a dirty forest. We looked through the car with fascination. It even had a dusty rainbow jacket and a blue galaxy one, which I later gave to Kayla who hugged me about 15 times whiles jumping up and down. She was 18 and could be mature and when it came to anything related to galaxies the excitement was immense. I snatched up the rainbow jacket as I loved rainbow coloured clothing. I gave the boys the surplus sleeping bags to hold. We kept on exploring the little car; I had always wondered where it had come from. I went around the other side of the car and opened it cautiously. Luckily it did not explode this time. I rummaged around a bit. I remember finding a little galactic notebook, which I opened intriguingly. I thought of Kayla as I do every time I saw something she might like. In the notebook, which was the size of my palm, were lists of names and how they have died. Most of them were from the 22nd and 23rd centuries. I flipped to the front page and in slanting writing I saw the words Fatalitynote. I continued reading: Entry #1: Kylie Crescent, stabbing. Entry #2: Connor Ink, A heart attack. I scanned a few more before names slamming it shut with a large bang shocking me.

Even to this day, I don't know why I didn't tell the boys at that time, but I didn't. I suppose I was just shocked at finding this car and the book apparently called Fatalitynote.

"What did you find?" Kayla asked, rounding the corner of the blood red car, rather too excitedly for my liking.

"SHH," I mouthed motioning for her to come over quickly.

She came over while the boys were on the other side of the car raiding it. She scanned the notebook, grasped it from me and gaped her mouth hung open, eyes wide.

"What is it?"

"I heard about these people on the radio and all over the news! These are the exact ways they have died, but I haven't heard of this notebook before. Haven't you heard of Kylie Crescent? It was largest news story!"

"Oh now that I think about it I have. Her childhood friend and boyfriend killed her right?" I questioned.

"Yes. Maybe the person who owned this book recorded people's death. Morbid, but maybe it was a matter of interest," Kayla mused.

"Perhaps," I replied,"Where do you think this car came from? I mean it is in the middle of a forest. There are probably no roads for miles,"

"Girls, what have you found?" Owen called interrupting our conversation.

"Nothing. It is not very important." Kayla replied, noticing my reluctance to share my discovery.  

"Okay, don't you think we should find somewhere else to sleep? It is getting rather dark." Nathan pointed out.

We were so absorbed with looking at the car that we forgot about the time.

"Good idea, it is too bumpy up here, let's go!" Owen agreed.

We didn't really mention the car afterwards and continued onwards aimlessly. We packed up our things and left making a note of where we were. We walked in silence for a while until we came to another clearing; this time it was flat, almost perfect for sleeping on. Owen gave us our sleeping bags out of his backpack. We told each other stories to calm our nerves in the dark and drifted to sleep slowly.

Survival (NaNoWriMo 2015) (✔️) {Edited 2018}Where stories live. Discover now