Chapter ten- Carlisle's POV (Edited)

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Chapter ten

Carlisle's POV

When we finally arrived the Dolangions went to their home, saying that they would meet up with us later that day.

Lucia gasped," Oh My God! This was our Mother's secret house!" "Was?" Nathan questioned.

Celia spoke this time," yes she died, but we have a stepmother."

"I'm so sorry. But I thought you were immortal?" Helen asked confused.

"We are, but there is a certain type of food that is even more poisonous to immortal people and Angels." Lucia replied.

"Who killed her?" Owen whispered.

"Our father. He also killed all the girls in Weatherhills and disguised it as ink poisoning.

"He killed our kind! Holly!" Owen cried out in fury. When he said Holly noticed Nellie's eyes glistening with tears. He started screaming and crying. Finally he punched Lucia in the face, but it wasn't enough to leave a bruise. I thought it was just for show, at the time.

"Holy shit!" I am so sorry!" Owen cried hurrying to help.

"It's fine," she said through gritted teeth after a while she said, "Sorry about your friend."

"Ok! Let's go into the house!" Kayla said taking charge. We went into the underground house. We were terrified of the sight before us.

"What the actual hell is this?" Cried Nathan.

Scattered all around the magical tree house were skeletal spines up to our chests. Jaxon, Celia and Lucia were nowhere to be seen!

Lucia and Celia cried out in agony as their wings ripped from their backs. They flew out of the masses of spines majestically.

"I'll get Jaxon. Hold on!" Said Lucia diving down beneath the sea of bones.

Once Jaxon was in her arms a tremendous sound crashed echoed around the room. Suddenly all of the bones miraculously disintegrated upon the person's arrival. We all screamed with fright expect for Celia who grinned proudly. At the time I thought it was very strange, but now I know the truth. From behind the wrecked wall stood the towering Ruler of the Aingealworld with midnight blue wings just like Kayla had described to me earlier, except that he was wearing midnight coloured long gloves. Celia launched into his arms happily.

"How is my perfect little girl?" He said kissing her on the forehead.

She beamed with pride. Lucia, I noticed was terrified and furious, and I wondered why. Suddenly Owen screeched with agony and clutched his arm, which was leaking the crimson red we had all grown to loathe and fear. More names started appearing on his back. We could see the blood soaking his white coloured T-shirt. I remember how horrified we all felt that fateful afternoon. That today I so wished had never been born.

"And how is my little brat?" The ruler spat out turning towards Lucia.

"I was a lot better until you came along. Also, why did you have to destroy Mum's hideout? That's long we have left!" She snarled still looking nervous, but more angry than anything else.

He strode over to her lifted her chin so that she was facing him and slapped her across the face. Instantaneously her face began swelling and was as red as cherries.

"Your stepmother is your Mother now! I have told you enough times!" he said exasperated.
Out of the corner of my eye I could see Owen staring open mouthed at her cheek while the others put their hands over their mouths to stifle a scream. I was speechless. What happened next tore us apart and left us in pieces.

Celia gripped me by the shoulders and shoved me into her Daddy's strong grip. The Ruler of Aingealworld grinned proudly at his beloved daughter. I felt myself being lifted off the ground. I could feel my arms bruising from the grip he had on my arms.

"Let her go! NOW!" criedKayla in a panic. He just smirked at her then.

"So how much does your back ache, my little Kayla?" He taunted chuckling mercilessly still holding me by my arms. Nathan rushed forward grabbing at me frantically.

"I am not yours!" I heard Kayla mutter. Luckily I don't think he heard that comment.

He then preceded by turning me upside down and started to recede into the wall where he had burst through.

"Carli!" they screamed while Celia was cackling like The Wicked Witch of the West in The Wizard of Oz. My friends ran after us, but unfortunately the wall closed up by itself. I remember screaming and flailing around. That didn't do me any good because he then carried me bridal style while clutching into my skin so that there was no chance of escape. I could still hear the pounding on the walls around us. And the screaming from my friends trying to break the wall down and rescue me, the damsel in distress.

We continued on in silence for what seemed like ages. I remember shaking like a leaf and whimpering. He just clutched me tighter to his chest with his iron-like arms. And thundered unexpectedly," from now on you will call me Master! Understood?" I was speechless. Who the hell did he think he was? Oh right, just the King of the so-called underworld!

"You will answer me when I speak to you, child!"

I shivered and snapped "OK!" I could feel his anger radiating off him. To my delight, well delighted as I could be while being abducted by some weird Angel-demon thing we continued without a sound. I later discovered that the five of us were demi-angels. So original, I know. We continued on in silence for what felt like ages. We came to a halt and out of the corner of my eyes I saw a splendid wrought iron gate. It was grand and almost glistening with magic. He spoke a few words of a strange sounding language. Almost immediately the gate creaked open to reveal a young looking woman looking quite angry. Maybe she was this mysterious stepmother? I questioned.

"Really, Cooper, another one?!" She sighed. "Oh by the way how are Celia and Lucia?"

"I know I'm sorry, but you know how important this experiment is to me, Amelia," He whined. Yes, he actually whined. "Well, Celia was brilliant as usual, but Lucia was rude and ugly as alway." The beautiful woman now known as Amelia looked at me apologetically. Good. She felt sorry for me. I could use that to my advantage to escape this underworld of demonic creatures.

"I know that this is important to you. The attitude towards Lucia, your own daughter, my stepdaughter, who I love very much, is diabolical!"

"I know, but she did what we agreed." He shrugged. What does that mean?! I thought.

Suddenly I heard the gate clang shut making my insides shudder. He laughed into my ear: I was disgusted. Amelia rolled her eyes and walked away from us leaving me alone with the "Master". Cooper continued walking while I struggled into break free from his iron-like hold on my slim waist. He just squeezed me until it was so painful I yelped.

"Be gentle!" She scolded. He just sighed and put me down. Yes! I thought as I ran towards the gate. I heard the king of Aingealworld's callous laughter echo around the tunnel. I stupidly tried to open the gate. Obviously it wouldn't budge; I tried rattling the gate and punched it in frustration. I was so angry with that demonic piece of crap. I could have kicked him.

Suddenly I could feel my wings ripping out of by back once again. Once my magnificent wings were out Amelia gasped as I tried to fly over the gate. I could see out of the corner of my eye that more angels were staring at me in awe. I was hurting so much due to the bruises the ruler inflicted on me. As soon as I lifted the ground I realised that this place was spellbound. I felt a sharp pain and smashed onto the cold ground. At that moment I cried out in agony and despair. I wished I was in Kayla's arms, obviously covered, because we couldn't touch one another, once again. The last thing I remembered was darkness.

Survival (NaNoWriMo 2015) (✔️) {Edited 2018}Where stories live. Discover now