Chapter seven- Carlisle's POV (Edited)

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Chapter seven  

Carlisle's POV

I don't think anyone slept well that night. I kept hearing them getting up to drink at the magical fountain. I remember waking in a panic that day. I thought they had abandoned me because nobody else was to be seen. I sighed with relief as Kayla gathered me in her arms and told me that the others were hunting for food. We stayed in each other's arms until they came back with a dear. We ate for a while and decided we would stay there for the day. We milled around for the day. I was so upset about my Mum dying that I hardly ate, but Kayla made me eat at least something. She tried to make me laugh, which I very much appreciated. I cracked a smile at her for trying.

We continued to drink at the fountain for better or worse. We went to bed early that night. My friends slept better, but I didn't. I cried a bit, but eventually drifted off into a troubled sleep. We woke reasonably early and waited for The Death Announcement. 

"Zelda Maurice from Storminghill." 

"I knew her briefly," Helen mentioned sadly.

We decided to explore the forest a bit more. We set off walking at a slow pace. I could tell that Nathan's legs were hurting him, but he never complained. We stopped as we came across a huge playground hidden behind a clump of trees. Helen said that the necklace was burning as she took it off gently. What could be dangerous about a playground we thought? How wrong we were! We began exploring it excitedly...

"I haven't been to a playground in years." Helen said in awe. 

"It is beautiful!" I cried running towards the swings.

Suddenly we heard a blood curdling scream. We ran towards Kayla who looked as though she had seen a ghost. She pointed with shaking hands. Initially we didn't see anything. But then we saw two dead bodies who were holding hands, which somehow made in more tragic. There was a note next to them. I bent down to retrieve it.

"These are the young Galaxy girls. They created the Fatalitynote. Their Mum invented the spellbound swing and the girls created this enchanted playground. Their Dad invented the fountain where anyone who drinks it only tastes their favourite drink. The Galaxy Girls traveled far and wide with the invisibility cloak to hide from the ghosts of Crescent Galaxy Forest. You are challenged to find out why the playground and the forest are so magical." 

"Well this keeps getting stranger and stranger!" Nathan said.

We nodded in agreement with him. We continued to try and discover more about the mysterious playground. I wonder why they made the Fataliynote? Or why did the Dad invent the fountain? Are there really any such thing as ghosts? I asked all of these questions to myself. Not one of us had any answers. We swing on the swings for a while just thing about the strange occurrences we have encountered. 

"Oh I wonder what is in that cute little wooden house!" Kayla suddenly cried making us all jump out of our skins.

We jumped off the swings to investigate. Helen tried to pull the door open. Out of the blue we were thrown in into the air and our bodies crashed into the swing set. 

"Goodness! What the hell was that about?" Owen gasped.

"This is just ridiculous!" I shouted and ran towards the wooden house. 

"Carli, what do you think you are doing? It's too dangerous!" Cried Helen.

I tugged on the door and this time it opened. I heard the others come up behind me. It was quite dusty and obviously hadn't been used in years. It appeared to be a small cottage or something like that. It looked bigger on the inside. On the right was a little kitchen and to the left were two huge arm chairs and a reasonable sized round table. Straight in front of us was a door painted a faded greeny-blue colour. Now that I think about it the door was the same colour as the pebble necklace. Kayla carefully stepped in front me and opened the door. We saw a double bed and a tiny dark wooden desk in the far corner. We gasped in wonder. From the outside it just looked like a small square hut. This cottage was easily livable. We went back to the kitchen area and looked throw the cupboards. Someone had obviously been here before us because there was food good for the next year or so. We were excited by the prospect of staying there.

Survival (NaNoWriMo 2015) (✔️) {Edited 2018}Where stories live. Discover now