Chapter eleven- Kayla's POV (Edited)

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Chapter eleven

Kayla's POV

Even when the wall closed up seemingly by itself we continued to try to punch our way through the wall to free the love of my life. We failed. Miserably.

Celia was still beside herself with laughter; I felt so sorry for Lucia. What a terrible childhood she must of had with that piece of shit.

Helen and I started crying hysterically leaving the boys awkwardly trying to comfort us. I could tell Owen was tearing up and trying not to cry as was Nathan who looked as white as a sheet. So did Jaxon. Lucia started shouting to Celia about how horrible she always was, especially with their so-called Dad.

"Seriously? You are going to let him take another girl for his cruel callous experiment?!" She screeched far too loudly than any human could. Oh that's right! She's immortal, you know, the usual.

"You of all people should know how important this is to his science discoveries!" Celia barked back enraged. We had heard about an ancient practice called science; apparently it is still happening today, but it is called Techosci. We learned about labs that create a new breakfast pill every year.

"Yes, but why abduct an innocent mortal?" Lucia questioned.

"No one is innocent' to quote Daddy," Celia said fondly.

"Of course they are, until proven otherwise!" Lucia said irritated with her twin. I was impressed, as the others were, considering how horrible their Dad is.

"Just as we discussed, brilliant work!" Celia suddenly said. She nodded. We all looked at each other with confusion. Owen was just about to ask what that meant when the loudspeaker silenced us.

"A Girl from Raininghill called Carlisle has just gone missing from Galaxy-Crescent Forest! Please look out for her."

"She hasn't gone missing, she's been abducted, damn it!" Helen said, upset and irritated. Suddenly a sharp pain began to twinge. I winced gingerly touching my back where the ruler sliced me.

"You alright Kayla?' asked Owen concerned. I nodded. Luckily no one else noticed. I felt so bad for cheating on Carlisle and I know he felt bad about cheating on Helen. Now everything Helen looked at me she scowled or glared. It was awful.

"Well only demi-angels like yourselves and mortals who are with you can see us, so they think you are all just talking to yourselves." Lucia chirped. Demi-angels? I like that!

"So they think we are insane?" Nathan despaired.

"Yep," Celia sneered popping the P. We ignored her and continued talking. Later on we heard Aqua calling us from above. I forgot about the Dolangions!

"Sorry, we will come up!" Owen called.

"So is everything okay? We heard the announcement." Nyx asked concerned. Once we were in the playground we met and explained what happened.

"Damn! We know King Cooper. He is awful. As far as we know I has been conducting an 'important' experiment for years," Scorpio said.

"Experiment?! What kind of experiment?" Asked Jaxon, who I noticed he had been silent for a while. Not surprisingly given all the strange happenings that day.

"Agreed. What even?" I was so worried about Carli.

"When we met him and his wife, Amelia, he said it was to determine how much pain and fear humans could endure in a certain period of time." Nyx whispered. It was hard to hear her voice over my pounding and aching heart.

"Meaning that Carli is subjected to loads of pain? Owen spoke breaking the long silence that followed.

"Yes," said the young Dolangion in sad voice leaning on my thigh with her lion body and looking up at me with her dolphin head. I was getting quite fond of Aqua and I think she was of me as well for some reason.

"We have known Carlisle for ages, we need to save her," Nathan suddenly blurted out we all agreed; to my shock so did Celia and Lucia.

"So what do you suggest we do to save our friend? She is so kind!" Jaxon said taking action, surprising us all. We turned towards the Immortals and the Dolangions as they seemed to know more about the strange "Angel demons,"

"Well there is something we can do, but it is absolutely insane..." Lucia stated looking worried. When I thought about it afterwards it appeared that her concern was not genuine.

"We will do almost anything to save her!" Owen exclaimed listening intently. We saw Celia smiling cruelly at her sister. Lucia grinned and nodded as if they could read each others minds, which shocked everyone of us. I thought Lucia was the nice one!

"Well Daddy seemed to take a great liking to Kayla so maybe if we were to offer her up to him to her he might swap them or just keep both for himself in the interest of science or Techosci." Celia giggled at her ''brilliant' idea while we stared at her in horror.

"Most certainly NOT happening!" They cried.

"I will do it. Show me what to do!" I said with as much confidence I could muster.

"Absolutely not! Are you out of your mind?" Nathan cried clearly not understanding the matter at hand.

"No, but if we are to save Carli we don't seem to have any other choice! I'm going whether you like it or not!"

"Very well!" Celia said taking my hand tightly in her own.

"No, please think this through! There must be an other way!" Helen pleaded, eyes wide. I noticed that this was the first time she spoke to me willingly since the cheating incident.

"I have. I'm sorry, but it is the only way." And with that said the Immortals and I dropped into the enchanted tree house. The twins spoke in weird and wonderful sounding languages. Almost out of nowhere a door appeared in the wall. It was almost entirely destroyed due to The Ruler's crashing entrance earlier that day.

"Why don't you go first? We will follow you," Lucia offered me an encouraging smile and slightly pushed me forward. My feet felt like lead as I walked a few steps towards my doom. Suddenly I heard the door slam behind me leaving me in total darkness. I heard loud giggles from behind the door.

I had been tricked!

Survival (NaNoWriMo 2015) (✔️) {Edited 2018}Where stories live. Discover now