Chapter seventeen- Carlisle's POV (Edited)

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Chapter seventeen

Carlisle's POV

"She told you to say that?" Helen whispered in a heavyhearted voice. All I could do was nod still on my knees.

"Which song?" Jaxon spoke. I didn't answer and thankfully he dropped it.

The wind had picked up and I felt one of the swings crash into my chest knocking me blacks. Owen caught me and I couldn't help imagine Owen's lips on Kayla's. I shook the image from my mind and thanked him. The Dolangions said their goodnight's and left us to our own devices. We slowly retreated into the shadows of the trees as we descended into the tree house to mourn over Kayla and Holly. It seemed like years since our friend back in Raininghill died. No one said her name, but I knew that we were all thinking about her as well, expect for Helen who we met in the forest not at home. She didn't know Holly. 

"Do you want anything to drink, Luce?" Owen asked looking at me with concern.

"Luce? Helen asked just as confused as I was.

"Did I really just call you that? I don't know why. I don't even know anyone called Luce, I swear." He did looked panicked so I let it slide, looking at Helen. She was just as spooked as I was.

"I would love a drink," Nathan and Jaxon bellowed from their respective rooms breaking the awkward silence. Owen quickly busied himself with getting drinks while Helen and I whispered to each other utterly perplexed by Owen calling me Luce. Suddenly I thought Lucia and felt sick. Could that be who she meant? I shook my head. That couldn't be it. Owen interrupted our conversation and pressed a cold drink in our shaking hands.

"We should probably go to bed soon. We have all had a dreadful day," I said exhausted

"That's an understatement!" Nathan exclaimed," Night." Owen and Nathan left leaving Jaxon, Helen and I alone.

"Wait, didn't the Leader of Aingealworld destroy the tree house? I only remember because Lucia seemed so upset." Jaxon asked us.

"That's right! We didn't notice that it had been repaired because after Carli," she paused trying to find the right words," was abducted we banged on the walls, but then we went to the swing set to discus what to do next. How to save her." I felt a fondness growing in my chest. I had such good friends.

"Hm strange. we'll think about this tomorrow. I'm so tired.," I turned to go to my room that was once Kayla's as well. Then the whole room glowed and the door to Aingealworld open. Blu strided towards us.

"How dare you kill my girlfriend! You bitch!" I said rushing towards her and punching in her face. Owen came out of the bedroom and slightly pushed me back.

"I am so sorry I killed her. Cooper would kill and hurt all of my friends and family!" She looked so sincere that I almost believed her.

I was just about to say something, when he ran to Blu's out stretched arms.

"Luce! I've missed you so much!" He gushed.

"Cam! I love you and have missed you loads," She said arms wrapped around him and her stunning golden wings burst out of her back. They wrapped around him. Much to everyone's astonishment for the first time his wings sprang out as well and wrapped themselves comfortably around her small body. Blu looked as if she had seen them before. Owen's wings looked like more ink had been spilled from the sky. They kissed passionately and Helen hugged me tightly obviously stung.

"Owen, or should I say 'Cam'" Helen uttered darkly tears streaming down her face," What the hell is going on?" They pulled their wings in facing us

"I'm sorry I kept this a secret for so long. It was supposed to protect you. Helen please don't cry," He glared at Lucia who was walking towards us through the spellbound door," My brother and I rule this underworld, this real name is Cooper. My real age is 100 years old. Blu Luce is 145 years old as are Lucia and Celia. We look as young because we can change our appearance" Blu grew to be as tall as Owen and had a much more mature than before. Her auburn hair change to a golden brown colour. She looked stunning. Lucia and Celia changed until they looked the same as Blu. Owen changed his appearance from his brown hair to short jet black hair and his eyes changed from light blue to a startling shade of bright green. Then without a sound the twins retreated into the world where stabbing of innocent people.

"Hold up," Jaxon said," You are immortal?"

"Agreed! What even?" Nathan exclaimed loudly making me jump.

"If you're brothers with Cooper then isn't Blu your niece?"

"No because Blu is Cooper's step father. Since we can change appearance she can look like the twins."

We stared at each other in stunned silence as the new information swirled in our minds.

Survival (NaNoWriMo 2015) (✔️) {Edited 2018}Where stories live. Discover now