Chapter fifteen- Carlisle's POV (Edited)

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Chapter fifteen

Carlisle's POV

We ran even faster towards the horrendous sounds. The lights were still flickering, but we couldn't see where the source of light was coming from.

"Hello?" I called.

"Yes! I am here!" shouted a voice in the shadows behind us.

Out of the darkness emerged a little girl of about six years old. She was bleeding, but the funny thing was, she was smiling. A chill ran through me.

What a creepy girl! Kayla clutched my hand obviously thinking the same.

"Can you help me please?" she said directing her gaze on Kayla.

"Yes, of course." This time the small girl grinned and pulled something out of her jeans pocket.

Suddenly she drove the knife she was holding into my girlfriend's chest.

"Fuck! Kayla!" I screamed punching that little shit in the face sending her flying backwards.

I held Kayla in my arms as she coughed up blood barely alive clutching her wound crying and shouting in pain as her broken wings fanned out from her back.

"If I die," she said her eyes searching mine as I held her; her left wing on my lap,"please tell Mum I love her, tell Helen that I'm sorry about Owen and I. I am sorry, Carli, and want you to know that I still love you and always have. Please listen to the song 'Far Away' by Nickelback. It is 21st-century band." She closed her eyes tearing rushing down her cheeks. Her hands covered in blood and still touching her wounded chest.

"No, no! You are not going to die," I sobbed. I checked her pulse. Nothing. I planted a kiss on her pale lips not caring about the painful burning sensation on my own. After I kissed her a whisp of smoke spilled out of her mouth. For some reason I knew it was her soul.

"I love you too. Wake up! Wake up. I will listen to that song." I shook her and shook her and shook her! I wept hopelessly holding her tightly not wanting to let go. I thought about Owen and how much physically and emotionally in pain he would at that moment. The letters of Kayla's name were probably carving into his skin right at that instant.

I saw the evil spirited girl standing up, brushing herself off and skipping merrily down the tunnel towards the Ruler who picked up. He twirled her around and chuckled saying, more loudly than he needed to for my benefit,"Good girl, Blu."

Right that's it! I ran towards them, shamefully, leaving the already lifeless girl behind me for a brief moment. Once I stood in front of him I started wailing and punching his chest while he laughed. I was maddened by fury! How dare they? The murderers. I kept on shouting a slamming my fists into the so-called 'Master's' chest and face. It didn't seem to have an effect on him at all.

Realising it was useless I turned around and ran to the beautiful dead girl. I gently lifted her off the hard cold ground folding her wings around her body. They folded around her perfectly. As I turned by back on Blu and 'Cooper' I heard the dreaded words "Phase two has been completed,"


Kayla and I reached the gate. Surprisingly it swung open automatically inviting us through.

Out of the blue a square box encased us both. we were trapped in a narrow box where I had to crouch and hold Kayla bridal style close to my chest. It had a small light bulb hanging from the ceiling and had dark blue wooden interior. Kayla's head rested on the left side of the midnight blue box and her legs were almost curled around my thighs as I crouched. I could feel her skin tighten and gradually turned a slightly grey colour. I nearly screamed about ten minutes later; her body looked as if it was bruised.

I burst through the box and suddenly it disappeared.

"Phase Three has been completed," said the mysterious mechanical voice. Still holding Kayla I ran towards the shining door that lead to our friends. All of a sudden huge gusts of stormy winds started to force me backwards nearly off my feet. My wings broke free from my back yet again that day. Pain consumed my body and the magical wind picked up as my wings brushed against the sides of the tunnel. The door still glowed inviting us to escape this awful place. We were so close yet the wind was determined to throw us to the ground. Kayla was getting heavier and heavier as howling sounds and winds wiped around us. I was pushing into the force so that when it suddenly stopped I plowed straight through the mesmerising door. we were back! Kayla nearly slipped out my grasp, but I hugged her close not wanting to let go. The door slammed behind us making me jump a mile. The behind the door I heard," experiment #1300, Fear Level #47." I made a point to ask Lucia and Celia about what it all meant after I screamed at them about betraying Kayla. My stunning Kayla. Scream at them that it was mostly their fault that Kayla died in my arms in a cold tunnel in some strange inbetween world. Not to mentain the eery veritical tunnel that we fell through.

I looked around the hollowed out underground tree house. Then it struck me I was alone, apart from Kayla who was still in my tired arms. Where were they?!

"Hello? Owen! Nathan! Helen! Jaxon," I called out hoarsely as if I hadn't spoken in weeks. I glanced down at Kayla's body as her wings spread out revealing purplish-blue skin. I tried do get their attention by screaming until my throat was raw. I heard rapid talking and saw them climbing down the ladder one by one. I was never happier to see my friends than at that second. Celia and Lucia jumped down oblivious to the vicorus rage I would unleash on them. I was almost sorry for them. Almost.

"Oh my God! Carli!" Helen screamed while I winced at her shrill voice," What the hell happened?"

I stepped over Kayla's body and my tears started tumbling down my cheeks. My friends who I had missed dearly crashed into me leaving me breathless. Their arms went around me. They were sobbing as well, even Owen, Nathan and Jaxon who I had never seen crying before. Owen pulled away first and pointed. He hadn't needed to say anything as we turned around to stare at her frozen lifeless girl. In front of us I could see the evil twins with sombre expressions on their pale faces and glassy blue eyes indicating they were tearing up. I glared at them.

"Carlisle we are so sorry, Dad never mentioned this. He even promised us we wouldn't kill anyone, which is why we agreed to us in the first place. We had to watch to many deaths," Lucia spoke up.

"Why would you trust that, that..." I trailed off crying to much speak," asshole? Who is that evil girl, Blu anyway? She looked like you both" They bit their lips and looked at each other questioningly. They nodded wordlessly. When I mentioned Blu I saw Owen stiffen and his eyes glossed over with tears. Before I had time to ponder it Celia interrupting my racing thoughts

"She is our Daddy's 'little helper'," Bitterness oozed out of Celia voice. She appeared green with envy and malicious for this girl.

"Our little sister, already a murderer," Lucia said sadly. staring down at her feet.

"How did you know that she murdered Kayla?" I whispered, more tears threatening to spill.

"Blu killed Kayla?" Lucia spat with murderous rage. Large black shadows swirled around her small frame and she disappeared leaving a pop sound behind her.

Survival (NaNoWriMo 2015) (✔️) {Edited 2018}Where stories live. Discover now