Chapter twenty- Carlisle's POV (Edited)

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Chapter twenty

Carlisle's POV

We looked for them everywhere, in the tree house, outside in the playground and ran to the cottage to inform the Dolangions who were panic stricken when we told them everything we had discovered over the last two days.

"We need to go on a search party for them! Now!" Jaxon exclaimed sounding like the 21 year old he was while being trapped in a 10 year old's body.

"Agreed," Nyx said taking the lead.

" Wait! Don't you think they just might be in the Underworld or Aingealworld or whatever it's called?" I asked dreading the answer.

"Right. Good point. How about this? Nyx and I will go to the Underworld to look for them. It is much safer for us to be down there. We are worshiped in heaven but we are quite respected in Aingealworld. As long as I agree to look after Aqua." Scorpio spoke looking at Nyx as if asking for her permission or agreement.

"Okay, but as long as Aqua agrees," She looked down at her daughter waiting for a response. Aqua thought long and hard," Fine, but please came back in one peice, okay?" I heart cracked a little at her touching words.

"Of course," Nyx's voice wavered. Scorpio comforted her and turned to Nyx. They stood next each other and with a pop they were gone. Aqua rushed to stand beside me and Jaxon watching the place where her parents had vanished beneath the world. We tried to comfort her as we hurried to look for Nellie and Nathan, but nothing worked. She wouldn't crying and at that point I couldn't help but burst into tears myself. Jaxon looked alarmed and muttered," With all of this crying I might as I turn into a girl by the end of the day." I burst out laughing and suddenly, even in this terrible situation, all of us were too. Even now as I am writing this I smile at the memory.

We trudged through bushes and trees calling for them until our voices become no more than whisper soon afterwards almost losing our voices all together.

"Let's go back and see if they are back." I just managed to croak out. We had been gone over over a hour. Aqua and Jaxon nodded as we started to stride back to the  playground. Now Kayla's resting place forever. My eyes teared up, but this time I brushed them away before Jaxon or Aqua could see them.  At first we thought it was deserted until Scorpio and Nyx came bounding towards us with Nellie behind them! But where was Nathan? I had a horrible feeling about this and could tell the Others did to. Jaxon stiffened next to me as he said," Nellie, what happened?" She looked weak and thin. Almost a shadow of her former self that we had only seen one and a half hours ago. She rushed into my arms; not a word escaping her lips. I stumbled and almost fell over, but Jaxon pushed me forwards. I wrapped my arms around her as she took shuddering breaths as she weepped into my collarbone.

"What happened?" Jaxon asked more gently than before rubbing her back while I was still hugging her tightly.

"We were talking in the bedroom and out of the blue this, this..." She stopped and after taking a deep breath she plowed forward with her account of what happened," glowing light appeared and we were sort of transported into this pitch black tunnel and then Nathan vanished seemingly into a wall. I called after him, but he was just gone!" By this time she was inconsolable. I felt so sorry for them both. At least when I was in the 'pit' as I like to call it I had Kayla. Poor Nathan. Nellie was also alone in the awful place that smelled like death completely panicked because her friend miraculously disappeared.

"I couldn't him any and then I crashed into Nyx and Scorpio who saved me," she went on. I decided not to go into why Nellie looked so unhealthily fragile and thin. I hadn't come out like that.

"I am so glad you are safe," I spoke revealed," But we need to find Nathan."

"We need Blu because knows all the hiding places and ," Scorpio said.

"But she is hiding with Owen," Jaxon said regretfully.

"I know, but we Dolangions can seek out immortals. That's why sometimes The Ruler sometimes captures us." Aqua said," that's why I was so worried."

"Why didn't you tell us this before?" Nellie cried. Obviously she was really missing Owen. I was missing him too, but I was angry with him for putting us in this situation. I thought back to all the things we had gone through. The Fatalitynote, Nathan's  scarred leg with the name Holly in his veins, the cursed swings, losing my Mum. He even cheated on Nellie with Kayla. I'm even assuming until I know otherwise that he knew everything about the 'Soulmate thing'. From my perspective everything that had happened to us was his fault. Nellie seemed to be too blinded by love to see that.

"Will we have to see them?" Jaxon asked," we are so furious with Owen and I doubt Carli really wants to see Blu. She murdered her girlfriend, her soulmate, essentially her own flesh and blood." Well, when he put it like that it was the most heartbreaking thing I have ever heard. My eyes glossed over and before I could wipe them away Nellie swept me up in tight hug. The kind where you felt you were suffocating, but at the same time it felt so comforting. I didn't hug back, but I didn't pull away either. I just felt too weak and she thankfully seemed to understand that.

"No of course won't have to see Cam, I mean Owen" Nyx responded.

"Why did you call him Cam? Did you know him before?" I asked dreading the answer almost not wanting to hear it. I felt like sticking my fingers in my ears like children do when they don't want to listen to something upsetting. I didn't of course, but I really wanted to.

"Well we had heard of him before and at first we didn't regonize him because of his ability to change appearances, but when he changed his looks for Blu or Luce I recognized his startling green eyes, pale skin and jet black hair." Scorpio explained.

"Why do they have two different names by the way?" Nellie asked. I was actually think exactly the same thing.

"They have mortals names like Owen and Blu. Their middle names are their immortal names." Aqua explained.

"Oh my God!" Nellie exclaimed making us jump and ran over to where she was sitting on the ground," my her colour is changing to black." She was right. The tips of her hair had turned black and started traveling up her hair. Out of nowhere the sky opened up and seemed to speak. A booming voice echoed all around us," Helen. Your little boyfriend, Nat or whatever his name is, is still in the 'Vertical Black Room'. If you don't go back to Aingeal to try and save him we will find you and kill you and all your pretty little friends. You have 30 minutes to make a decision," The sky closed up and the world was silent once again.

Survival (NaNoWriMo 2015) (✔️) {Edited 2018}Where stories live. Discover now