XI. You Are Not Alone.

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Breathing in the fresh breeze of Kansas's air, Martha Kent continued to fix the plants around her house. Her only companion, the family dog Angel, sat on the house porch. The weeks had been rough for Martha. She couldn't complain, work was going well, and she was able to provide food for herself. Somewhere in her open mind there was continuous thoughts about Clark. The boy suddenly left the next day after his father passed away. His whereabouts are now unknown and Martha was left with the words, "I'll be back, Mom. Don't worry, I just need to do something useful for my life."

Martha felt lonely in the empty house. The voice of Jonathan continued to echo in her mind whenever she would browse through the photo albums. Seeing Clark's room all tidy and clean brought Martha many memories of the family. His small red cape Clark would always wear when he was little always made Martha tear up. She always remembered the conversations with Jonathan concerning Clark and his true heritage, his powers and gifts on the impact the two can make. Jonathan always responded with the same kind of answer – "It's up to Clark. He'll decide on the kind of man he wants to be. We're just here to help him to make the decision."

Suddenly, Angel began to bark as she ran toward a man by the cornfield. It wasn't a protective kind of bark but it seemed to have a more light-hearted tone. Martha stood up to calm Angel but as soon as she saw the man's face, she instantly knew why Angel was happy. Dressed in old clothing, his face cleaned-shaved with a few strays of hair, and his usual messy dark hair ruffled, Clark was finally home.

"Well, look at you." Martha said beamingly.

She was impressed. Her son had grown up so fast. But he still had the usual, shy Clark smile he would always wear. All Martha wanted to do was hold her son in her arms and never let go. He approached her and wrapped his warm arms around the small, fragile mother.

"A reporter came by here. Do you remember her? Elaine Fisher? I got to say that girl's mother is insane." Martha noted.

"She's a friend. Don't worry." Clark responded swiftly.

"Well..." Martha started.

Martha looked her grown son as a smile appeared on his handsome face. A smile Martha had never seen before.

"Mom, I found him." He stated, as his smile grew wider.

Martha smiled back and raised a brow, "Who?"

"My parents..." Clark paused for a brief moment, "My people."

Unable to speak, Martha looked up at her grown child. She was shocked and yet happy for Clark.

"I'm home. I know where I come from now."

"Wow, that's wonderful..." Her stomach began to tighten as small tears began to form in her eyes. "I'm so happy for you, Clark."

She lightly patted his shoulder before sitting on the porch. Martha tried her best to hold back the tears. Why was she be crying? Her son had found his real parents and she should be smiling and comforting him.

"What?" Clark asked, knowing his mother had something on her mind.

"It's nothing." Martha said, brushing away the air around her.

Clark joined his mother on the porch and sent a comforting smile. Martha couldn't help herself. As the words slipped out of Clark's mouth, she couldn't help but recall the times she would stand by his crib and listen to the fragile baby boy breathe. It made her heart ache to see how much he was struggling, just to gasp a single breath of air.

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