Tonight The World Dies {Synyster Gates Fanfic} Book One

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A/N: Okay so, first of all I would like to thank LooneyLunaVengeance for making the wonderful cover! It is absolutely awesome and I can’t thank you enough, so go give her a follow!! Anyways, I’ve had this idea in my head for a while ;) Hope you guys like it :)


Syn’s POV

I strolled into my living room dropping myself onto the couch and flicking on the T.V. I scrolled through some channels before I decided that there's nothing good on and to just turn it off. I got up, Pinkly at my heels, and went to get myself a beer. I grabbed the beer out of the fridge and felt my phone buzz in my back pocket,

*Zacky: Hey man, we have business to do tonight*

I looked at it blankly for a second before I realized what he was talking about.

*K, be over in a few. Have our shit ready*

I texted him back before running upstairs to get changed. I filed through my closet for a couple seconds before finding a black shirt and some black jeans.

“Man, I have to do laundry soon,” I said laughing to myself before putting the clothes on. I grabbed the belt that I needed and made sure I had room to put my knife. I flew down the stairs and I grabbed my phone that I had left on the counter before I went upstairs. I was putting my shoes and jacket on, when I heard a faint whimper from behind me. I turned to see Pinkly sitting there staring at me with those cute puppy dog eyes. I laughed and went back into the kitchen and put some food in her bowl. I looked at the clock, on the microwave, and it read 10:30pm. I quickly checked my phone for text messages before getting into my car to go over to Zacky’s house.

*Zacky: Tonight is gonna be eventful ;)*

I kept going over in my head the procedures I needed to remember if it really was going to be all that ‘eventful’.

I got to Zacky’s house in a little under 10 minutes and went to the front door. I didn’t even knock, I just walked in to see Zacky dancing around trying to put his pants on. It was quite a sight. I laughed before I said,

“Hey man, you need help?” He stuck his tongue out at me before pulling his pants up. I noticed he was in the same as me; black pants, black shirt. He threw me a mask and I put it on my head because it was only supposed to cover my mouth. He picked out a black bandanna out of his famous basket of bandannas. He wrapped it around his neck, making sure he was able to pull it up to his nose.

“Boss says that tonight we are looking for a guy that had recently snuck out of jail. He’s been on a killing spree lately and he told me they’ve been tracking him and tonight, he’s going after two girls here in Huntington Beach,” Zacky said before putting on his leather jacket. “Nothing like we’ve ever done before,” he paused before continuing, “We have to save two people, Syn. I don’t know about this, man.” I looked at him, he was right this was way beyond something we’ve done before. Our level of Nightwatchers normally only deal with break-ins or robberies, but tonight our boss thought differently.

“Well, let’s just try not getting hurt and help the two ladies out,” I stopped before realizing that I didn’t know where they were, “Right? They’re at their house?” He nodded,

“I’ve got the address right here,” he said handing me a slip of paper. “I hate to admit this, but I’m kinda scared. Like, I don’t want to get hurt, and I don’t want them to get hurt either,” he said running his hand through his hair. I felt a little nervousness bubble up in my stomach.

“I know how you feel. This is scary, and we’ve never been on a job like this before,” I said, my voice shaking. I heard something beeping from his back pocket and he reached and grabbed a thing that looked like a monitor. It was blinking a deep blue and we knew that our mission started now.

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