Chapter 25

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*6 months later*

I stood there looking at the mirror. This dressed look beautiful… Until I looked at the price.

“Jesus!” I exclaimed, hearing Heath laugh over the door.

“Realize what the price was?” she asked. I stood there shocked at how much it costed.

“Uh, yeah, Heath, we got a problem, I don’t exactly have 6 grand to spend on this,” I said, hearing her laugh again. I walked out in it and she looked me up and down.

“It’s beautiful,” she said. “I like this,” she said pointing at the sweetheart neckline.

“I do too, but this torso thingy goes down too low,” I said pulling it up so it wasn’t squeezing my hips. She laughed and went around me getting the full view.

“Doing okay in there, ladies?” the woman who was helping us said.

“Just fine,” I said back to her. Heath piped up,

“Marie, I think we need something a little less expensive and a short person dress.”

I glared at her and hit her on the arm. “Don’t be an asshat now,” I said. I heard Marie scuttle away and I looked at Heath. “You are such an asshat,” I said glaring at her and she laughed.

“But you love me anyways,” she said in a singsong voice and walked over to the dresses that Marie had thrown over the door.

“I got you a bridesmaid dress I thought you’d like too,” Marie said over the door and Heath brought it down, “don’t worry it’s a maternity style dress.” Heath looked over at me and shook her head.

“Nu uh, I am not wearing a fucking maternity dress to your wedding,” she said whispering to me.

“Well, looks like you’re going to have to try it on,” I said, mocking her singsong voice. She gave me a dirty look and quickly handed me the dresses Marie had brought for me. I shut the door, quickly taking the dress off and replacing it with a new one. It was a mermaid dress that just trailed out right at my calves. It had a studded bust full of pretty little jewels and little sparklies. The bottom looked as if it was wrapped around my legs many times, but it looked perfect and I knew that this was the dress. I heard Heath grunt and heard something hit the floor.

“Heath, are you okay in there?” I asked getting worried and coming out of the stall and looked under the door and into the stall. Her knees were the things that hit the floor hard.

“Yeah, uh, Mia, we have a situation,” she said picking up her breathing. “The baby is willing itself out of my body,” she said breathing really hard and I widened my eyes.

“Heath, Oh my God get out here, we need to get you to the fucking hospital,” I yelled, Marie opened the door and looked at Heath waddling out. Marie looked at me.

“You can come back and buy that dress after, I’ll have it on hold, as for you,” she pointed at Heath, “keep it.”

I jumped out of the dress as fast as I could and put the clothes back on. I rushed her out to the car and we rushed to the hospital.

“Yeah, uh, Zacky get  both of your asses over here, Heath is starting her contractions,” I said into the phone as I helped Heath out of the car. I heard Zacky yell at Syn to get his ass in the car and he quickly said he was on his way.

We rushed Heath into and room and doctors came in and out and gave her the needle. Zacky rushed in with the bag and Syn came in and sat down by me.

“Okay, you two,” the doctor pointed at us, “you guys can’t be in the delivery room while she’s giving birth.” Syn got up and walked out, this obviously too much for him to handle. I stood up to protest.

“She’s my sister and I demand you let her stay,” Heath said glaring at the doctor.

“Alright, but you tell no one that both of you were in here,” he said looking at Zacky and I. “Alright, Heath you’re going to have to start pushing for me.”

I went up to her and grabbed her hand as well as Zacky grabbing her other hand and comforting her. I decided that this was too mainstream for a delivery. Zacky rubbed her hand and I stood there looking like the weirdest football coach you have ever seen.

“You push that motherfucker out. We need the seven points in the last quarter of the game and if you do this we will win the play offs and have ourselves a baby cup,” I said looking over at her, she started laughing and Zacky looked at me funny, the doctors all looked at me as if I was crazy.

“Continue doing that,” the doctor said surprised, “it’s working.”

“I don’t know what to fucking say next,” I said.

“Well, it was worth a try,” he said. After a while of Heath pushing, he piped up, “One more last push.”

Heath pushed as Zacky brushed the hair away from her forehead. All of a sudden, we heard crying. Heath immediately stopped and looked over at the doctor holding the baby.

“It’s a baby girl,” he said handing her to the nurse. Zacky looked down at Heath and they both shed a tear of happiness. Heath squeezed my hand and looked up at me.

“Thank you,” she said and I nodded my head as the nurse brought the little baby girl over to Heath. She rested her in her arms and Heath looked down at her baby’s shimmering face.

“Hi, Luna, welcome to the world,” Zacky said looking over her shoulder and reaching out to touch her little hand. She grabbed it and we all awe’d over Luna. Syn came in and wrapped his arms around my waist.

“Little baby Luna,” I said to Syn as he looked over at her and smiled. “You know,” I said turning around. “I want a baby now,” I continued. He smirked at me.

“We’ll wait until after the wedding, because I do too.”

We stayed there with Heath, Zacky and Luna until it was closing time.

Welcome to my little niece, Luna

Tonight The World Dies {Synyster Gates Fanfic}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora