Chapter 20

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Mia’s POV

I woke up and smiled, remembering the events of last night. I couldn’t be any more happier. I looked over at where Syn normally lies, but he wasn’t there. I let out a small yawn and stood up. He was probably just downstairs. I walked over to the bathroom to fix my hair because it was all over the place. Once I finished, I walked down the stairs to be greeted by Zacky and Heath, sitting on the couch.

“Hey, have you guys seen Syn?” I asked scratching the back of my head, scanning the living room.

“We thought he was still up there with you,” Heath said getting up and looking over at my frantic self.

“Oh no,” Zacky said, “this is so not good.”

My eyes widened and I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Syn was nowhere to be seen by any of us. I started panicking and Heath came to my side.

“Where did you see him last?” Heath asked me.

“When we went to bed together?” I yelled. “You guys, what are we going to do?” I asked looking over at them. They seemed pretty chill about the whole situation, other than me, who was freaking out.

“Well, let’s scan the house to see if he’s around here,” Zacky said going off in the direction of the backyard.

“He’s not a pet, Zacky,” I said over to him. He waved me off and continued out the back door. “Seriously, where else do we look?” I asked looking over at Heath who was in her classic ‘I’m Thinking’ pose, hands over her ears, legs crossed, staring at something in front of her. I ran upstairs and looked in each of the rooms, just making sure he wasn’t in any of them. I came back downstairs to Zacky sitting beside Heath.

“Well, I guess we go look all over town,” Zacky said getting up, Heath right behind him. I nodded and followed into the car.

We drove all over town, with no such luck. We had stopped at some of his favorite stores, when we all decided to just meet up in the middle.

“Well guys, what do we do now?” Heath asked looking at both of us.

“I don’t know,” I sighed heavily. I looked around as if I would find him walking in a crowd of people. I really didn’t know what to do anymore.  We had looked everywhere and there was absolutely no sign of him.

“We haven’t checked one place,” Zacky said starting towards the car.

“And that would be?” I asked hurrying over to it also.

“The Night Watchers area,” he said again.

“But why would he be the-” I asked but Zacky interrupted.

“Just get in the car, I think I might know where he is.”


We walked in through the tunnel and came out into the foyer, where we found a lot of people just walking around talking and chatting to each other. Zacky went up to the desk and asked for their boss.

“Uh, yes, he’s not in at the moment,” she said not taking her eyes of the computer. “Feel free to leave a message on a slip of paper and he’ll get it as soon as possible,” she said, finally looking up at Zacky. “Oh, hi, Zacky,” she said blushing a bit. I looked over at Heath who was staring off somewhere.

“Hi, Alicia,” Zacky said politely smiling over at her.

“How has your missions been going?” she asked trying to create small talk.

“Ahh, pretty well actually, other than the fact that we didn’t get picked to be the group for the warehouse,” Zacky said. Alicia stood up and she was batting her eyelashes at him all pretty and nice. I elbowed Heath, who looked over at me rubbing the side of her body.

“You’re just going to sit here and watch that girl flirt with Zacky?” I asked as I nodded towards them. She became more alert and was watching them intently.

“I swear, if this goes any farther, I’m not afraid to slap a bitch,” she said, still staring them down.

“Okay, do you know when boss is coming back?” Zacky asked, earning a giddy laugh and a slap on the arm.

“I don’t know, but when he does come in, I could text you or something you know,” she said taking out her phone. Heath looked over at me and I knew she was about ready to explode. I nodded and watched as she walked over to Zacky.

“Hey babe,” Heath said walking over and putting her arm through his. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and it looked like Alicia had gotten the point. She sank back into her seat and continued to stare up at Zacky. “Who’s this?” Heath asked reaching out her hand to Alicia. She hesitated, but quickly took Heath’s hand.

“I’m Alicia, their secretary,” she said shaking her hand slowly.

“I’m Heather, Zacky’s girlfriend,” she said mimicking her actions. Zacky put the paper he had filled out onto the desk with Alicia and walked back over to me with Heath.

“Babe, you’re so cute when you get jealous,” Zacky said leaning over and kissing her on the forehead.

“I was getting ready to slap that bitch,” she said laughing and looking up at him. I laughed and stood up, realizing how much of a place Syn had been in my heart, but now that he wasn’t here, there was a gap. I just wanted to find him, I knew we had to find him. Suddenly, I was struck with an idea.

“What if he went to the warehouse because you guys couldn’t?” I asked Zacky.

“He couldn’t have,” Zacky said shaking his head.

“It’s always a possibility.”

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