Chapter 10

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I laid back staring at the ceiling, hearing soft breathing coming from the other side of the bed. I knew Mia had quickly fallen asleep, but yet here I was, staring at a ceiling. I looked down at my still casted wrist and went into an array of memories that over filled my brain.

“Now it’s time to deal with your sister,” he said sliding the knife across her lips bringing up a stroke of blood. The girl cried out in pain, being muffled by the cloth he had put into her mouth. “Scream all you want, honey. No one can hear you.”

I walked over to Mia, touching her forehead. It was cool and I reached around to feel her ears too. They were quite cold. All of a sudden, I heard monitors go off crazily and Heath and Zacky, who had the strength to rush over to her, rushed over and were watching the monitors. “CALL THE NURSE RIGHT NOW,” I yelled as Heath pushed the button above her bed. I kept shaking her hand and kept shaking it until I heard the long and withheld beep, meaning she had died. “I guess this is goodnight, forever.”

I winced at the flashback I had just witnessed and sunk into the bed, reaching over and feeling that Mia was still breathing. I ran my hand along my forehead to find it beaded in sweat. I rolled over and pulled Mia close to me. That was enough memories for one night.


“Come closer, my dear,” I heard a voice call out to me. I pushed against the chains wrapped around my wrists and got nowhere but to rub my skin raw. I put my head against the back of the chair and sighed in frustration. “This’ll be it for you,” the voice said closer to me this time. “For you and for the ones you love,” she said whispering in my ear. I looked over and nothing was there. A TV turned on in front of me and I saw Heath and Zacky peacefully sleeping in their room. I started to panic and I tried to let out an anguished cry but nothing came out. “See, if you join us, they can stay that way, peacefully dreaming, or if you choose against us, well,” she said, the sound coming from right behind me. The TV turned black for a moment and then it came on again, this time Zacky was on the ground half a dozen knives in his chest, Heath with a rope around her neck and her feet hung from the other side of the room, one knife in her stomach. “You’ll lose your best friend, your brother per say, and his love and you’d also lose your potential niece,” she said, still behind me. “You don’t want that happening, now do you?” she asked venom coating her voice. I tried to scream ‘no’ again but alas, nothing came out. I felt tears running down my face, for I knew who was next. Mia. The TV turned black again, only to be turned on to a tranquil Mia blissfully sleeping on the bed. “What happens if your real love,” she said getting closer and changing the screen to Mia’s limbs all sawed off her body, then continued right at my ear again, “was gone.”

I woke up covered in sweat, feeling a presence over top of me.

“Syn, hun, are you alright?” I heard a soft, sleepy voice say to me. I sat straight up and looked over at Mia. I pulled her into a tight hug and didn’t let her go until she started asking questions.

“What’s the matter?” she asked laughing and hugging me back.

“I had a dream, but now that I know you and –“ I stopped dead in my tracks. I got up ran over to Zacky’s room and peered into it. I could see both Zacky and Heath sleeping soundly on the bed. I let out a sigh of relief as I walked back into my room and got back into bed, Mia still giving me a questionable look. “You all are fine,” I assured her.

“Yes, we are, what happened in your dream? You’re like sweating so bad..” she trailed off but I cut her off when I pecked her lips. I pulled her into me, and she curled up and put her head against my chest.

“Everyone is safe.”


I woke up to the smell of coffee and bacon. I opened one eye and turned over to notice that Mia was already up. I looked over at the clock and it read 8:37am. I grumbled and put my pillow over my face. I heard the door start to open and close quietly. I heard small footsteps make their way to my side of the bed and stop right beside me. I was about to take my pillow off my face, when I felt something cold start sliding down in my boxers. I shot straight up and yelped. I saw Mia quickly rush out of the room, and I started shaking my waist around to get the ice cube out of my boxers. I ran after her and darted down the stairs, only to be greeted by Zacky with the same shocked expression on his face. We looked over at the kitchen and walked in stealthily.

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