Chapter 9

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We all sat on the couches looking at each other with the weirdest smirks on our faces. Nothing was happening; we were just staring at each other like a bunch of idiots. If someone walked in and looked at us now, they would probably think we were on crack or something. Sadly, I was the first one to crack, and I laughed at the thought of one of our friends walking in on us. After a short period of time, everyone had given in and we all started laughing. Zacky pulled out his phone and looked at it with a great deal of confusion.

“Guys, shh, for a second please,” he said putting his finger up and holding the phone to his ear. “Yes, I understand.”

“We’ll be over in a few.”

“Okay, thanks, bye,”

Zacky put the phone to his lap and looked at me. “We have a meeting for all Night Watchers in our area,” he said getting up. Heath and Mia looked at each other and then looked at us with sadness in their eyes. “It’s just a meeting. He’s not sending anyone on a mission yet,” Zacky said sitting down beside Heath and kissing her on the forehead. “How about you guys come with us and see how it’s done?” Zacky asked and Heath and Mia’s faces automatically lit up. Heath nodded her head quickly and got up to go put her shoes on.

“Well, let’s go! What are you guys waiting for?” she said grabbing her shoes off the rack. Zacky laughed and we all sauntered over to the door, gathering our things and heading to the car.

We all walked into the huge library that was our gathering area. Mia gripping onto my hand really tightly due to the creepiness and dankness of the library. Like all other super heroes/villains, we had a ‘secret’ door into our little room. We all walked up to a cabinet that had been labeled ‘fantasy’ and Zacky grabbed the purple book out of the corner and pulled a lever that was behind the book. The fantasy section opened up into a dark corridor and Zacky pulled Heath through, followed by Mia and I. Zacky got to the end of the small corridor and twisted the doorknob and the hallway was filled with light. We walked in to find three separate offices, one for meetings, one for receiving calls and one for training. Zacky opened the one that was for meetings to be greeted by a bunch of fellow Night Watchers. When we walked in, they couldn’t help but stare at the ‘new’ people that had walked into the room. We told them to go sit on the couch by the door. Zacky and I took our places at a long table with at least a hundred chairs. Looking around to see everyone talking, I looked over at Zacky and asked,

“Hey, did he tell you why he’s holding this meeting?” Zacky shook his head.

“I honestly have no idea,” he replied before we saw our boss walk in and sit at the very front of the table. A hush went over the room and I looked back at Mia and gave her a reassuring smile.

“Today I bring all of you here to discuss an important matter,” our boss started, “we have been retrieving many signals from an old abandoned hardware store not too far from here. The main part is, we don’t think it’s human.”

Some kid, probably a newbie, raised his hand and asked, “Then what is it?”

“Well,” our boss said loudly, “if you would’ve let me continue, I would’ve told you that we don’t know for sure. We say that it’s something to do with magic. What type of magic? We don’t know that either.”

I looked over at Zacky and he knew that we had to be asked to be put up for this mission, no matter what it was.

“What we need to do is, we need four people to fight off this ‘magical being’. This mission won’t take place right away, but once we figure out its intervals, we will send those four people on their way,” he said before standing up and looking at us all seriously, “This mission will be a life or death situation. You either, go in and come out, or you go in and never come out to see the world again.”

I scoffed at him and leaned over to Zacky.

“Well, that’s not straight forward at all,” I whispered as I heard Zacky laugh. “We up for the challenge?” I ask, Zacky turning towards me.

“But we don’t have four people,” he said sadly.

“I know, but we can always recruit some people,” I said as I looked back at Mia and Heath.

“No, no ,no. Absolutely not,” Zacky said and continued, “we can’t risk their lives and ours.”

I leaned back and shrugged my shoulders.

After the meeting was over, Zacky and I walked over to our giddy girlfriends.

“So, what’s this magical being?” Mia asked.

“I didn’t even know there was magic in the world, until now,” Heath said right after, Mia nodding at her statement.

“Are you guys going to sign up?” Mia asked again.

“Sadly, we need four people,” Zacky said.

“But, we were thinking, maybe, just maybe, would you guys like to help?” I asked them. Their faces went from confused to happy to excited to an array of different emotions. I heard our boss walk up behind us.

“I hope you two plan on signing up for this job. All you need to do is find two more people willing to do it,” he said handing me the clipboard.

“That’s why we’re here,” I heard Mia and Heath say in unison. They stepped forward, Mia grabbing my hand and standing proudly, like she really wanted to do it. He looked them up and down and laughed.

“Girls? Really? Especially untrained girls!” he said walking away. “I am disappointed.”

Mia scoffed at him and did that cough thing and said sexist. He didn’t turn around but merely kept walking. I scrawled my name down and handed it to Mia. Once they all had signed it, we walked back out into the library. We walked out to the car and got in.

“You know this job is very dangerous and you two need a lot of training,” I said looking back at them in the backseat. They nodded and started talking to one another but quiet enough for me nor Zacky to hear.

We got home and Zacky and I had to sit them down in the living room.

“Okay, tomorrow we start training. Got it?” Zacky asked, the girls both nodded.

“This is even very dangerous for us, you know,” I said seeing understanding in both of their eyes.

“Mia you’ll be ranged like me and Heath you’ll be melee like Syn, is that okay?” Zacky piped in. I looked over at Zacky, not realizing why he had done what he did and put Mia on ranged with him. “It’s for the best,” Zacky said understanding what I was making a fuss about.

“Well, ladies,” I said looking over at their expectant faces, “welcome to the family.”

They had huge smiles and they came over and threw themselves at us.

This will be so much fun.

Except for the fact that’s nagging at the back of my head, this is life or death.

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