Chapter 15

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I paced back and forth in Zacky's room, contemplating if he was going to wake up or not, like Mia had done. Dr. Shauna came into the room to check on Zacky, making sure she was there when he woke up.

"Calm down, babe, the anesthesiologist said the medicine was going to wear off," I heard Mia say as she got up and grabbed my hand, stopping me from pacing again. I sat down beside her not letting go of her hand and she watched me, her face full of concern. "Shh, take deep breaths," she said mimicking what I was supposed to do. I took a couple deep breaths and immediately I felt calmer and more relaxed. She smiled and said, "See?" I nodded my head and smiled too. She squeezed my hand as we looked over at Heath who sat beside Zacky's bed holding his hand. I heard a couple sniffling noises and Heath got up and looked at Zacky, who was finally rising from the dead.

"Guys, he's waking up," Heath said pushing the button above his bed. "Morning, sunshine," she said to him as he opened his eyes fully. He smiled at Heath and we got up and walked over to him. He tried getting up, but quickly laid back down because of the pain in his shoulder. Dr. Shauna soon walked into the room with a roller table full of medicines and syringes. She inserted the first syringe into a clear liquid and put it into his arm.

"Morphine, he's going to go loopy for a while so you better watch out, and possibly keep your phones out," she said winking at us and grabbing the next medicine and injecting it. Once she was finished and Zacky was all drugged up, we stood around his bed until he started talking.

"What is going on here?" he said looking all over the room and at us. He started laughing hysterically and I just couldn't help myself and I started laughing too. "You guys look so funny," he said and jerked himself to the right, wincing a little bit at the pain, "why is the room spinning?" he asked and now everyone was laughing. Mia went over to Heath and gave her her phone. Heath started taking a video and just couldn't stop laughing. "C'mere, baby," he said motioning to Mia. I stepped back and Mia was just looking at him with a confused look plastered on her face. He kept motioning for her to come to him and finally she did. He gave her a hug with one arm and kissed her. I burst out laughing and so did Heath. Mia struggled to get out of his grasp, but he did not budge. "I luuuuh you, babe," he said slurring his words almost as if he were drunk. Mia looked at us and mouthed 'help me' but I couldn't I was just laughing too hard to even control my own motions. Heath stood over by the door videotaping it and laughing pretty hard as well.

"Hey, Zacky don't forget that you have a baby on the way," Heath said across the room and she made Mia look back at her and gave her the worst death glare one has probably ever seen.

"Oh my God! That's right! How's the little munchkin doing?" he asked as he stroked her stomach. I don't know how I was so okay with this, but I was and it was pretty damn hilarious.

"It's doing just fine," she said pushing his hand away quickly. He looked at her quite confused and she got up and walked over to me. She looked up at us and gave Heath and I the finger. I wrapped my arms around her.

"Oh hun, calm down, we're having a little bit of fun," I said as I heard Zacky let out a squeak behind me.

"You're cheating on me with my bestfriend?" Zacky said as disappointment crossed his face. Then he looked over at me, disappointment changing into anger. "How could you fucking take my girl," Zacky said, balling up his fists. He began to get up but sat back down because of the pain. I just stared at him wide eyed and he began to cry.

"Why is my life so fucked up?" he asked looking down at his hands and then at Mia. "You cheated on me," he said being interrupted by Heath.

"I would never do that to you, hun," she said walking over to him.

"But why would you? You're Syn's girlfriend," he said looking back at me and then yelling, "oh wait ONE OF SYN'S GIRLFRIENDS." I looked at him and then said,

"Look man, I didn't steal Heath. This is Mia," I said pointing at Mia and then pointed at Heath, "and that's Heath." He looked at me super confused.

"So, I've got two girlfriends now? Sweet," he said and motioned for them to come over to him.

"Oh, hell naw," Mia said waving her finger at Zacky. "I didn't know you were cheating on me with another woman," she said in a Jersey accent and I laughed at how well she was getting into it. Heath looked over and quietly giggled and said,

"And I didn't know that you were cheating on me," she said crossing her arms. I sat there keeled over laughing, I couldn't stop myself because the look on his face was just priceless. He looked over at me pleading help through his eyes.

"Nope, man, this is your fight you got yourself into this," I said raising my hands and backing up still laughing. I walked to the door as I heard Heath and Mia mock fighting over Zacky and I snuck out quickly grabbing Heath's bag. I had an idea.

I came back in, wearing a dress, heels, and some applied makeup.

"Honey, I'm here for you," I said rushing over to his bed as best as I could in Heath's heels. Mia and Heath quit fighting and stared at me, laughing. I kissed Zacky on the cheek and he looked at me with a great deal of confusion. "Honey, who are these ladies that have been yelling about you?" I asked looking over at them and pursing my lips, exposing my awful job at lipstick. I saw that Heath was videotaping it again and I looked back at Zacky and gasped. "Are you cheating on me?" I yelled in the best stereotypical blonde voice I could. He looked at me concerned and said,

"I'm so sorry," he said raising his one hand in defence. I looked at him and quickly pulled down the dress that was revealing my boxers. Thank God, he hadn't seen that.

"I can't believe you are cheating on me," I said placing my hand out and chewing my gum super loudly. I could hear the girls' hysterical laughter behind me, but I had to keep a straight face.

"I'm sorry, baby, please forgive me," he said and I walked over to him sitting on his bed beside him. "I'll do anything just please forgive me," he said wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Okay, I want..." and I started listing off a bunch of girly things like makeup, shoes, etc. He nodded and told me 'of course anything for you' and I just kept listing things off. Finally, he began to yawn and I got up.

"I think I need to sleep for a while," he said his eyes shutting on their own. His eyes fluttered shut and I walked over to Mia and Heath who were just pissing themselves laughing.

"Okay, I need any after picture," Heath said pushing Mia out towards me and she wrapped her arm around my waist. I pulled down the dress and did that duckface thing that girls always do and propped out my leg. Heath ran over to Mia and took out a sharpie from her purse and quickly drew a mustache on Mia. She crossed her arms over her chest and did the peace sign. We leaned against one another and did our silly poses.

"Deuces," Mia said as Heath took the picture on her phone.

"What a fucking perfect couple," Heath said as she looked at the picture.

"Oh yeah, well I need to take this makeup and this dress off before my balls just fall off," I said holding the dress down as I scuttled out of the room. I could hear Heath and Mia laughing once again very hysterically in the room. Today turned out pretty good, other than the fact that Zacky got stabbed.

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