Chapter 13

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I woke up and I lifted my head to see Mia sleeping soundly right beside me with my arms wrapped around her petite frame. I smiled at the thought of last night and kissed the top of her head. I stayed there for a little bit longer just lying there feeling her breathing. Slowly, I began to get up and I placed her head on the pillows and tucked her in. I went around to the closet and threw on just a plain black v neck and some jeans. I walked down the stairs and heard someone downstairs making coffee. My mouth started watering at the smell of the coffee that was brewing. I turned the corner from the stairs and Heath stood there sipping some coffee from her mug. She didn’t see me until I came around from the back and gave her a hug, which scared the shit out of her.

“Holy shit!” she yelled and turned around. I smiled at her and made myself a cup. “You scared me,” she said laughing.

“You think?” I asked. She walked around to the island and sat down, smiling down at her coffee. “What’re you doing up so early? It’s nearly 8,” I said leaning over the counter, drinking from my mug.

“Felt like I was going to be sick again,” she said to me, her face breaking into an even wider smile.

“What are you so happy about?” I asked laughing at how hard she was trying not to smile anymore. “Did you and Zacky have fun last night?” I asked and she nodded.

“We had tons of fun! When we went out for supper, we couldn’t stop talking about the baby. We discussed baby names and we’ve already got names whether it’s a boy or a girl,” she said blushing a little.

“But you did actually get a test right?” I asked, my face changing to concern. She nodded and I gave out a sigh of relief. “So, let me hear ‘em,” I said walking around to the island and sitting beside her.

“Well, if it is a girl, Luna, and if it’s a boy, Alec,” she said smiling over at me.

“Those names are unique,” I said looking over at her and laughing. She smiled and said,

“That’s what we want. We don’t want just some mainstream name like Erik or Melissa,” she said sipping her coffee. “Why are you up?” she asked looking over at me with suspicion in her eyes.

“I just happened to be up,” I said nonchalantly.

“Mhmm, sure,” she said, laughing. I looked over at her with a cocked eyebrow. I shook my head and started laughing.

“I’m outta here before you keep making fun of me,” I said hugging her and walking up the stairs. I walked into our room quietly and snuck over to my side of the bed. I looked over at Mia who was still sleeping peacefully under the covers. My phone started vibrating and I looked over to see Zacky had texted me.

*Wake up, I have to tell you something quick!*

I rolled my eyes and looked back at Mia who was no longer sleeping. She rubbed her eyes and looked up at me.

“Mornin’ sunshine,” I said as I bent down to kiss her.

“Ew, get away from me, I have morning breath,” she said pushing me away. I laughed and kissed her anyways. I walked out of the room and over to Zacky’s room, where he was lying on his bed browsing through his phone. He looked over and quickly got up when he saw me.

“Okay, so, today I got a call from the boss. Yeah, he wants us and the girls to do a mission,” Zacky said standing there rubbing the back of his neck. I clicked my tongue a couple times and I just stood there not knowing what to say.

“Well, we could tell them and see what they want to do,” I said shifting uncomfortably.

“But Heath, man,” Zacky said as he started pacing, “I don’t know, with the baby and all,” he said still pacing.

“Best way to find out is to ask them,” I said shrugging my shoulders. I walked back out and down the stairs to see Heath and Mia sitting on the couches, probably conversing about the baby. I walked over and sat down quickly.

“Okay, so we got asked to do a mission,” I said rather quickly. The girls looked at me like I was joking. “This is serious, our boss has a mission for us, but he still needs to text Zacky the details and when this is going to take action around,” I said and their faces turned to concern.

“Can’t we go too?” Heath asked and I nodded.

“Only if you want to, you know, because of the baby,” Zacky said quickly plopping himself down beside me.

“I want to go! This is probably the last amount of fun I have before I start to get bigger and not be able to do anything,” she said laughing. Zacky and I looked at each other and shrugged, she did have a very good point.

We waited all afternoon to get the details and finally at 7pm, Zacky finally got the text.

“You guys,” Zacky said calling to the girls that were in the living room watching TV, “I got the text. Come over here to know what we’re doing,” he said and soon they appeared around the corner and sitting at the island. “Alright, we have a family that are being held hostage and we need to get there quick,” Zacky said rushing the last little bit, not knowing what it was the first time.

“Okay, this is an emergency, wear black and meet us back down here,” I said going over to Zacky’s hamper that held our masks. I threw Zacky his bandanna and left one out for Mia. I took two of my masks out and quickly pulled mine on. The girls flew down the stairs collecting their masks and putting their shoes on in record time. We all hopped in the car and drove to the house designated.

We got there and true enough, we could hear people screaming. We got out of the car and Zacky and Mia quickly moved off another way to get onto the roof. Heath and I went around to the backdoor, where I quickly and stealthily lock picked it. I motioned for Heath to wait and stay low outside before I checked the inside to make sure it was safe. I crouched and waddled in looking around to see anything suspicious. Looking over at Heath, I waved her in and she came in quickly without a sound. I heard footsteps nearing the door to the kitchen, and I had to react fast. I pulled Heath into my chest and hurled myself into the pantry. We stayed in that position, when we heard the door open and a big man came walking through.

“Hey, have you been hearing things up there?” The guy asked. I heard another voice call down,

“Only the screams of these children and the wailing baby,” he shouted. The guy shrugged and walked over to the open door and quickly shut it.

“I don’t remember keeping this door open,” he said looking around the kitchen. Heath began to get antsy from being in this position for so long in the small pantry. She moved over a bit and she hit a box of granola bars and they fell to the ground making a noise. The man looked over at the pantry and walked up to it grabbing the handle. I knew this was it. We were done for.

“I’m so sorry,” Heath whispered to me as she put her face in my shoulder, waiting for him to open the door.

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