Dance teacher (Otori Itsuki x reader)

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HELLO~ I'M BACK! OTORI'S ONE-SHOT IS HERE! He is one hell of a sassy guy n he needs to be loved more (/*u*)/ I mean he is so fab! Enough talking let's get on with the one-shot. Also let's just pretend ur a great dancer.

''A one, a two, a one, two three.'' You guided yourself as you spun, jumped, and ended with a split on the floor, you smiled to yourself.


You turned around to see an albino man slowly clapping, ''That was beautiful! I loved the split in the end!'' He exclaimed, he seemed more excited of your performance than you had been. ''Umm... Do I... Know... You?'' You asked catching your breathe, your hand on your knees, he handed you a water bottle. He smiled at you ''You may not but I do. My name is Otori Itsuki and you are...?'' He trailed off. ''(Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N).'' You flatly answered, ''Now if you'll excuse me Otori-kun, I need to go back to training.'' You said as you turned around, you expected him to go away but he sat on the first of row and observed you.

''Why don't you spin with your hands together in front of your chest and raise your right foot and put it next to your left knee and then spin, it makes your position look more professional and improves your performance.'' He observed you. 'Why haven't you left yet!' You screamed in agony in your hear, you had no plan in taking a stranger's advice but he did make a good point. You did your routine again and did as Otori suggested and as he said, your performance came out better. You turned to face him and smiled while giving him a ''thanks''

''You should show that beautiful smile of yours more.'' He said as he approached you, you tilted your head in confusion. Otori was standing in front of you now and he grabbed your chin, making you look up to him, ''You never know, someone might be falling for it.'' He smirked as he pulled away.

''A while ago you said, you knew me but you didn't know my name. Could you expand on that please?'' You asked as you sat down. He lightly chuckled making you frown. ''Well you see (L/N-''

''(Y/N) is fine'' You interumpted him, he nodded. ''You see (Y/N) I have been observing you for a long time now and I've been thinking that you have a great talent and it would be a waste to not use it. So here's the deal. I will teach you to become a professional perfomer and work alongside famous perfomers. Whatcha say?'' He stretched his hand towards you. Your eyes widened this had been your dream ever since you were just a little girl and a random stranger was ready to help you and make that dream real but at the end of the day, he was a stranger and you could not trust him, however his stubbornness got the best out of you and in the end you accepted this gentleman's offer.

Time skip~ to like 3 months

''That's enough practice for today boys!'' Otori clapped his hands getting his team's attention. ''Good work everyone.'' You cheared as you handed Nayuki and Hoshitani, their water bottles while threw Tsukigami and Tengengi's  for them to catch, and lastly high fived Kuga as he was a guy of few words.

"(Y/N), let's go, I need to talk to you." Said Otori in his usual happy tone, grabbing your arm forcefully and walking out of the door. He closed the door and let go of your arm and took a step forward. "W-what?" You asked a bit intimidated by the distance between the two of you. He turned his gaze away from you and looked at the door you had come. ''(Y/N)... Do you like any of the boys in that room?'' He asked you pointing at the door. You smiled warmly and shook your head as you grabbed his shoulders and went of your tip toes and pressed your lips on his, he was caught off guard but eventually wrapped his arms around you as he kissed back. You separated and were about to run but he grabbed your wrist and pulled you in a hug. ''L-listen... I-Im so bad at this...w-wil you g-go out with m-me?'' He stuttered, your eyes widened as you looked at the blushing Otori, you smiled and hugged him back. ''Why do you think I kissed? I've been trying to get you give you the hint that I liked but you are so oblivious, so I had to do take drastic measures." You shrugged. He grabbed your hand and started to walk. "Whoa! Where are you taking me?" "To a secret place." He winked at you.

Behind the scenes

The boys were observing what just happened peeking from the door.

Hoshitani: Whoa! What just happened?

Nayuki: *blushing* im very happy for (Y/N) and Otori.

Tsukigami: Looks like (Y/N)-san seems to be Otori-kun's weakness *smirks*

Kuga: *nods*

Tengengi: i'm going to take a few pics to black mail him, who wants to join?

Everyone: ME!


Coming up next: Hoshitani x reader


follow me on instagram: anime_trash11

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