Halloween specials pt.1

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Wow halloween already? DAMN. Our boys look great af tho. Especially Kuga, he can tie me up anytime *cough* ok lets get on with the imagines. These are not ike the usual ones so tell me if u like these or prefer the old ones and yeah!

Hoshitani Yuuta

What you two dress up as: Little red riding Hood and The bad Wolf

What you two do: When you're waiting for him at your meeting place, he scares you and says "Rawr! The bad wolf is here to take you!" at which you find super dorky. You go around collecting sweets, though people give you looks and get told that you're too old to go trick or treating, nevertheless you still get a lot of sweets.

Nayuki Tooru

What you two dress up as: Mickey mouse and Minnie mouse

What you two do: You decide to spent the night baking sweets with Nayuki and helping him out in the kitchen. In the end, you sit down and enjoy the spare sweets left while you two cuddle.

Kuga Shuu

What you two dress up as: Cleopatra and the Pharaoh

What you two do: Although he doesn't tell you first, he tells you he's going to give you a ride on his bike somewhere. When you reach your destination, you find yourself at the top of the city where yo can see all the lights and the illuminated city. It is indeed a breath-taking view with a breath-taking person.

Tsukigami Kaito

What you two dress up as: Mr. and Mrs. Adams

What you two do: You two are invited to a family dinner being held by Kaito's older brother, Haruto. There, you enjoy the most luxurious food and high quality sweets to satisfy your sweet tooth and also enjoy a nice laugh with the Tsukigami family.

Tengenji Kakeru

What you two dress up as: Hermoine Granger and Ron Weasely + Tavian as Crookshanks

What you two do: Tengenji has bought you two tickets for a kabuki play. VIP seats. After the play, Tengenji takes you home and then he's forced to have dinner by your mother. Ever since then, Kakeru comes for dinner every weekend.


Otori Itsuki

What you two dress up as: Harley Quinn and Joker

What you two do: You don't do much apart from handing out sweets and getting complimets for your costumes from lil kids and then you decide its been long time since you got drunk and so yeah...


Hope y'all enjoyed the imagines and happy early Halloween! im like 24 hrs early but who cares?

instagram: anime_trash11

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