Chapter 9

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(Authors note: this one ends strangely. Me and Jacob wanted a bit of a cliffhanger....forever.)

    One day I came out of the house to something interesting. There were two cats and some dogs! There were two very fine Dalmatians, a cocker spaniel, and an Irish Wolfhound. The two cats were white Scottish Folds. Also, there was a brown and white puppy. I greeted them with happiness. The girl Dalmatian smiled. "I am Perdita, and this is my husband Pongo. And these cats are Lucy and Mary. These dogs are Lady and Tramp. And this puppy is Daisy." she said. I smiled. "Well, I am Marie. Nice to meet you." I giggled. Daisy looked from side to side. "We are lost. Do you know where New York is?" she asked. I tilted my head. "I'm sorry. I've never heard of such a place."
    "Do you know about the United States?" Lucy asked. I nodded. "I have heard of it. All I know is that is it quite far." I said. "But this is Berwick, England."
    Perdita gasped. "Berwick! We ARE far!" she exclaimed. "A man took us here. He was a bit round, button down shirt, British like..."
    The man's image popped into mind. Lucy was horrified. "My butler!" she cried. I was surprised. Edgar was their butler? And my previous? Oh, how horrible. That kidnapper!
    I sighed. "My owner Madame is very nice. I am sure she will keep you company." I nodded and meowed to catch Madame's attention. "Oh, strays!" she exclaimed. "I surely will keep you until you find your owners."
    The animals were happily surprised, and I smiled. "Just wait until you meet my family." I giggled. Perdita looked sad. "My whole family, all my Dalmatian pups." she sighed. "All in New York." I nodded. "My family and I have been kidnapped before, twice. But our life changed forever when we did." I smiled. If we had never found O'Malley, I would never had gone to find Duke and Rebel. Then Scat's new band would have never come. And Duchess and O'Malley's kittens. Let's just say getting kidnapped was not the worst.
    Daisy paced violently. She was worried, I could tell. I then invited the creatures inside. "Tomorrow, it's my three sibling's birthdays." I smiled. "You'll be here for the fun!"
    Mary jumped up and down. "Oh yay! Oh yay!" Mary laughed. "Please excuse my daughter, Miss Marie. She is a bit jumpy." Lucy said, scolding Mary. "Oh no, it's fine, really. You don't have to be all proper, we allow a bit of silliness." I smiled.
    I introduced them to my family at once, and they instantly were happy. I think Berlioz may have even fallen in love with Lucy. That would be interesting!
    The next morning I woke up to Berlioz laughing along with Lucy. Ha, lovers. Mary was painting with Toula, who was following in Toulouse's footsteps. "Hey, whatcha painting?" I asked. "A pretty me!" Mary laughed. Toula shook her head. "No. We are drawing a dramatic scene where O'Malley and Duchess fall off a cliff together." I sighed. "Toula, Mama would not be proud of you. Too violent." I said." Toula playfully stuck her tongue out at me.
    It was late that night when I was chatting with Lucy, Lady, Duchess, Desiree, and Perdita (It was funny because the guys were talking too). Lucy, Lady and Perdita all got their first taste of lait cannelle sucré. Lady loved it, and Perdita thought it was a bit too sugary. Lucy lapped it up slowly yet deliciously.
    Perdita explained where they were from. Her and Pongo came from England, but they and their owners were traveling to New York. Lady and Tramp lived in New York, and so did Lucy, Daisy and Mary. Lady explained how her puppies, Annette, Collette, Danielle, and Scamp were in New York still. I was surprised to learn that Perdita had 99 puppies! I asked if they were all hers. Some were not, but it was crazy just to learn they were all living with her.
    I again went to sleep, but this time I fell silent within a few minutes.
    It was now tomorrow, which mean the kitten's birthdays! I was so excited. I had got Mariette two bows (purple and pink), and Toula a new painting set. I got Berlay a small violin, for a new instrument. 
Berlay and Toula both liked their gifts alot. Mariette LOVED hers! Mama liked that I was giving instead of getting. Mama loved it so much, in fact, that she gave me a harp.
    "My mother gave it to me when I was little." Mama said. "You will learn to play wonderful songs on this." I tried plucking the strings at first just for fun. They were beautiful, oh so pretty and luscious. Rich and luscious noises. I dubbed playing the harp as a new hobby of mine now, officially.
    I played the day away on my newfound talent. I asked all the kittens if they wanted to sing with me. Berlay, Diamond, Cannes, Mariette, and Bella all wanted to. So did Mary, and even Daisy the puppy. I started the tune that Berlioz always used to play. Mary, as if instinctively, shouted out the tune. "Do mi sol do, do sol mi do, do--" Cannes, whom surprisingly had a rich, luscious voice, cut her off. "Mi sol do, do sol mi do." Then everyone sang, "Every truly cultured music student knows, you must learn your scales and your arpe-ggi-os."
    I heard a long meow. It sounded like Mama! And then I heard an evil laugh--like Duke's! I run over. What is going on? "Meeeeeeoooooooowwwwwww." Mama called again. I bursted in. They were sleeping...what could have made that noise? Somehow, Mary and Daisy had snuck into the room beyond my knowing! They laughed. I knew Lucy would not be proud.
    "I'm very sorry, Miss Marie." Lucy nodded as she held her children close. "They have been very naughty." I nodded. "They ARE bright children, and I just do not know why they would do this sort of thing." I coaxed. Daisy stuck her tongue out at me. Lucy didn't see it, but I did.
    What could you call an aristocratic dog? Well, I guessed Daisy was an Aristopuppy. An improper Aristopuppy. Mary was an Aristokitten. I glanced at the clock. It was seven PM. I rushed throughout the house, telling the kittens (and puppy) to ready for bed. But Toula did not want to. She was still working on her masterpiece--the O'Malley and Duchess falling picture. "Toula, you are working hard on that, aren't you?" I complemented. "Mama said I could stay up three extra hours as long as I did this." Toula replied. I nodded. I noticed that Toula had added something. She was at the top of the cliff in the painting, looking down at them--but not helping. A strange painting. Within a few strokes, she was done. "Meeeoooow." Again? What? "Purrrrrrr." What?

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