Chapter 27

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A good friend--you can never tell exactly when one comes along. They may seem like the best friend ever, but can turn out to be your worst enemy. In the same way, you worst enemy can become your best ally. And so that's what this story is dedicated to--allies and enemies.
    The first one is a story of great proportion. Dare I say his name--Prince. Prince started out as an evil cat, asking to marry me and then stealing my sister. But after that, when we were captured by a mad group of panthers, Prince sacrificed himself for us as soon as he saw me. It would have been impossible to go through this list without mentioning Prince.
    Second--my full blood brothers and sister. You must be saying that they cannot be classified as friends. Well, to me they are. We have all been through so much--for my brothers, the arrival of Rebel and Duke. For Rebel, being blind and adapting to the Aristocat life.Toulouse, Berlioz, and Rebel--may you be blessed with everlasting peace.
    Up next we have Desiree. Now, this section is not dedicated to friend--Desiree was my worst enemy. From the minute we met, I knew she was as evil as she was beautiful. No amount of reasoning could soothe Desiree into a content state. She thought she was the best. What I later learned when she was gone surprised me. She hated Toulouse, and Toulouse hated her. Even her own children despised her. I sure am glad she left, even being my own husband's sister. And even he didn't like her. Talk about a proud prissy princess.
    Then we have some of my half blood siblings--Mariette, Toula, and Berlay. Same mother, different fathers. I like to call Mariette "a daughter from another father". It's kinda my own take on "brother from another mother", even though they aren't my daughter. It's still nice.
    Right here belongs a shoutout to all my other siblings and my children. I won't even say their names. I'm just gonna say that they are beautiful, wonderful and loving.
    Now, Duke and Thomas. Both are my fathers, only one is my true father, and both are awesome dads. Duke had done some things in his past, but resolved them. Thomas saved us multiple times. But wait? I don't much about his past. Let us leave this list for a little while--I must find out about him.
    Sorry, but we're postpone this list. I have to tell the story of O'Malley. Quite an interesting story, dare I say. Let's start at the beginning--the beginning of O'Malley's life.
    Abraham DeLacy Giuseppe Casey Thomas O'Malley was born in the French countryside. He was born to two cats named Maiden and Cliff. He had a brother--Knox DeLacy, Cabot Casey, Hawthorne O'Malley, and a sister--Gold DeLacy, Silver Casey, Amethyst O'Malley. Amethyst was a gray cat, and Hawthorne was an orange cat with white patterns (which you already know about). Amethyst loved the wild more than any of the others. She loved to adventure. But her mother Maiden wanted her to be proper, even being an Alley cat herself. So Amethyst ran away as soon as she was weaned. Neither Thomas or Hawthorne has seen her to this day.
Cliff had always had an attitude--and Maiden decided that being around him was not the best for her children. So they moved away from him, deeper into the country. The countryside of Paris, in fact. So everything was wonderful until they were teenagers. Hawthorne wanted to move to England, yet Maiden wouldn't go. So he left on his own.
The only one left was O'Malley, of the children. That very winter, Maiden fell in a freezing lake. O'Malley was on his own, until he met the wild gang of Alley cats we now know as Scat Cat's gang. And they lived for a year until we, Duchess, Berlioz, Toulouse and I came along. It was, honestly, the turning point of my life. So I guess that is the great story of Thomas. Back to the list.
To my mother Duchess for being there, such a wonderful mother. Staying with me till the very end. And to think she even came back as spirit! Thanks, Mama.

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