Chapter 24

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(This story is also sad, but not as sad as the previous story. A surprise comes to visit...)
Now that Desiree was gone, we cats could do more wild things. I even tried out hunting for food. And that's what we were doing at the moment.
Thomas, Toulouse, TJ and I were all hunting. Knowing I was the only girl, I wanted to show off. I saw a squirrel and tried to pounce on it. The squirrel flew into a nearby tree in a hasteful manner. I sighed. Toulouse. "Silent!" Thomas squawked. "There's something here!"
I stopped mid-walk, the crunch of leaves beneath my paws continuing for a second. Thomas was right. I listened very closely.
Crunch. Crunch. Creech. Crunch.
The hushed footsteps kept on. It was almost as if the stalker did not want us to know they were nearby.
I saw a blur of fur behind a tree. That's all I can remember.
Next thing I knew, someone was clawing me in the head. Biting me on the neck. I heard Toulouse scream, "No!" I heard TJ yelp and I heard Thomas yell, "Don't you dare!" And then everything went black.
The first thing that happened--I could smell. It smelled like the twisted scent of blood. The odor of multiple cats hung in the air. One minute I was smelling an elderly Persian, the next a young Shorthair. So many cat smells filled my nose.
Next I could hear. Hushed whispers below a bellowing screech. And then I could taste. It was mostly blood. My nose felt wet. Maybe it had been bleeding. And finally my eyes opened.
They were cats--but giant. These cats were huge! All six adults standing before me were black and sleek, and all were male except two. One teenage girl black one stood beside them, and 5 rambunctious kits rest at the adult's feet. "Hey, Raven! The girl is awake." The teen shouted, eyeing me. She licked her lips. The cat who I think was Raven rolled in, holding TJ in her jaws. "Get in there, you stupid squirrel." Raven mocked, hurling TJ at me. I thought of Mama and her bone cancer. Oh, Mama. I needed her more than ever.
TJ corralled into me. His rock head came first. I yelped. "Ha. Which one are we eating first?" The teenager asked. "Now, we are not eating them. We are just killing them." Raven snarled. She looked to the left. "Ugly, is that boiling water ready yet?" Raven called. "A-almost." A hushed stutter announced. "Come on, stupid squirrels." Raven sneered, holding us by the scruffs of our necks.
Ugly was exactly his name. He was not black, but brown. His matted, blood stained fur was not sleek at all. A tear fell from my eye. And who was this cat, really?
The cat who was selfish enough to almost marry me, yet back out. The cat who was 'adopted' by the salesman. Had he not been a pet? Had he been, after all, abused or hurt? And then released?
"So, either you die, or these four cats die." Raven screeched. Toulouse and Thomas lay in a tiny cage on the other side of the boiling water. Prince saw me. We locked gazes for the longest second of my life.
"Well, then die already!" Raven cried out. Mama's name was echoing in my mind. Prince leaped into the boiling water, his beautiful green eyes reflecting in wonder. His left ear had been cut, but it glimmered. His paw hit the water with a sizzle, and his fur immediately singed. Mama. The words echoed in my mind. I remembered that night in Paris--laughing along the shingles with him, his pelt shining in the moonlight. Us laughing. His whole left leg was now submerged in the boiling water. I held out my paw, remembering the times. "Well, hello..." I whispered loudly, the wind echoing my statement. "Sweet lady." Prince whispered back. His whole chest was in the water now. "Please remember me." Prince whispered, up to his neck in the water now. "I will." I whispered. Prince was gone.
I heard a shout. "Toulouse, go now!" And then everything went black again.

I blinked. I was at home. Toulouse, Thomas, and TJ stood over me. "That was scary." Toulouse heaved. "I thought we were goners."
Everyone began chatting about what had happened. Not a word was said about Prince. Was I the only one who had seen him sacrifice himself so heroically for us? Or was I the only one who cared? I remembered him greatly. Cats can change. Prince was living proof. I remembered one of the first things he ever said to me.
Well, hello, sweet lady.

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