Chapter 23

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We were taking our kids to private school: Berlioz, Toulouse and I. But Berlioz was acting a bit strange. He tried to be very quick to drop the kids off, as if he needed to do something. When I asked him what, he just ran away.
Toulouse and I walked home as Berlioz hurried, ahead of us by about five feet. "Slow down, Berlioz!" Toulouse called. But Berlioz didn't slow. What was up with him?
When we got home, I picked up a script from the table. I smiled as I passed Desiree in the hallway to the sun room. From there, I opened the script and began to write. It was my story. I looked at my writing so far. Hmm, what could I write next?
The graceful golden stallion came down to the hard Earth after rearing into the universe. It was yet an angel. Its halo rustled as the hooves hit the ground. Where was the demon mare? For that angel stallion should rid Earth of the demon mare, he would be quite a hero.
The script was coming along well. I was about to put my pen to paper when Berlioz bustled past me. "Berlioz, what is up with you?" I exclaimed, pushing him. "She doesn't have much time left!" Berlioz cried, looking back. "They're coming for her!"
Ok. Berlioz is crazy. I might as well play along. I thought, sighing. "Yeah. Those people." I laughed. Berlioz looked at me in surprise. "How do you know they are people? You are on their side!" he cried, running. And then I saw it.
It was the vet, the person most animals are afraid of. I don't see why. The vet is nice. He helps you get better when sick, he gives you vaccinations so you don't get sick. He had a syringe full of blue liquid. "Oh, that kitty." he laughed. "I'm not coming for him. Where is the cat they call Duchess?" This man was talking to himself. Surely he wasn't...well, he couldn't...he couldn't hear us, could he?
Duchess curled up on the couch, and every cat and kitten gathered around. What was happening? Madame, Clemence, and even Sir Henry were all watching as well. Mariette had even come home from Benjamin's. "Rebel, Toulouse, Marie--everyone except you knows." she whispered, sighing. "What?" Rebel asked.
"I'm being put down."
    We all looked at each other. But why? Why was Mama going to be killed?
    "Oh, it won't hurt." Mama gave a light smile, but then she got sad again. "I'll whisk away peacefully."
    "My bone cancer has really been getting me down lately, and I can barely walk. A few hours ago, I just collapsed. I couldn't move at all. I knew it was my time."
    Duke and O'Malley kissed her. May, Bev, and Jan all hugged her. Mariette, Toula, and Berlay also hugged. Everyone took turns saying goodbye.
    "And you four." Duchess sighed, lightly smiling. "I love you. Please take care May, Bev, and Jan, Rebel. I know you can't have children, so I guess that is a good substitute. I love you all. I will never forget you. I hope the same is true about me. I will see you in Heaven. I may not be seen, but I will be with you. I will watch over you. I will protect you. I love you."
We stepped back, tears filling our eyes. My vision became cloudy. The vet came closer. Even he was crying. He took an unsteady breath and lowered the syringe to Duchess. He slowly and gently pushed it into Duchess. Then the vet pushed the button at the top.
The blue liquid began to disappear, going into Mama. I gulped. Her breathing became slower. My heart was beating so fast I was afraid it would fall out of my chest. Mama's eyes began to lower. "No!" I yelped, darting forward. Toulouse pulled me back. "Don't make her feel bad. She didn't see that."
I remembered Mama teaching us scales and arpeggios. I remember when O'Malley saved me from the river, and Mama hugged me after that. I remember her comforting me one time when I thought there was a monster under the bed. Her jokes about Toulouse and Desiree marrying--oh, it was all wonderful and sad. I blinked. When I opened the, Mama's eyes glossed shut. I swear I could hear a small noise as they closed. Like "ping". Mama's leg moved. And then no more.
I shook my head. "No, no!" The first round of tears came on. "No, no! This isn't happening!" I cried. The vet lifted Duchess' limp body. "Miss Bonfamille, you can have her cremated if you'd like." The vet said to Madame, sniffling. "Yes, that'd be very appreciated. I'd like a teaspoon of her ashes to keep as a memorial. Her ashes may be sprinkled in the Seine River in Paris, France."
The vet walked out, daintily carrying Duchess' body. Even he shed a tear on it. I stared at the spot where Duchess had been. How had my life gone from structured to destroyed in just twenty minutes?
Now I saw was Berlioz was talking about. He was staring at the ground, quietly sniffling. I knew how he felt.

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