Chapter 17

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It was a joyous time--Christmas! Streets were lined with pretty lights and something called Frasier Trees. The Frasier Trees were decorated with shiny objects of all colors. Madame dressed us all up in cute costumes on Christmas Eve. I could almost feel the joy in the air. However, I felt a presence I couldn't shake away...
Jan, Bev, Lanc, Abe Gio, Cannes, and some of the other kittens wanted to become the kittens guiding Mr. Kitty Paw's sleigh. Toulouse Junior said he was "too mature for that sissy stuff", but I could tell he wanted a present. Finally, it was time to tuck in each of the cats. I hugged them and told them goodnight, and then they went to sleep.
There wasn't a soul awake in the house, except me. I snuck onto the roof, and my memories in Paris came back to life. But then a heard a faint sound. A sound so small, it seemed just a part of the wind, but I could distinguish it from the sounds of nature.
I looked up at the sky. I saw a light in the distance, and it was growing brighter. But then I heard a hiss, and a scowl. I jumped off the roof and I ran towards the grounded sleigh, led by four kittens, driven by a cat--but there was no cat.
There were only four kittens, searching for Kitty Paws. I shouted, "Hey, where is Mr. Kitty Paws?" The kittens panicked. "He just disappeared! Someone!" a yellow-ish, pessimistic kitten scowled. A sort of red kitten wrinkled her nose. "He didn't disappear, Mink. He flew off the sleigh. We knocked into that eagle, and Mr. Kitty Paws knocked into and fell off the sleigh. Without him, the sleigh can't fly!" A beige kitten looked at the red one, and the kitty called Mink. "Oh, stop arguing, Mink and Dearie. This is our last city, we can do it!" she smiled, jumping. A white and black kitten stepped out. He looked very formal. He looked at me. "Greetings. I am Chrome, and here is my group: Mink, Dearie, and Reeni. We need help." he sighed. "Mr. Kitty Paws is somewhere lost. We need to split up and find him. Will you help us, Marie?"
I jumped back. How did Chrome know my name? As if reading my mind, he said, "I know the names of every cat in the world. I've been a kitten forever, and I will be a kitten for eternity. I am the same kitten Mister had from the beginning." Chrome looked at me again, and I said, "I'll help. Whatever it takes!" Chrome nodded. "There are only five houses with gifts left. Deliver them to 34 Night Street, 40 Nifty Avenue, 82 Emerald Place, 95 Dreary Drive, and 116 Cherry Tree Road." he said. "We have to find Mr. Kitty Paws. Good luck, Marie!" he said, and he turned around. But he turned back to me. He threw sparkly things at the sleigh. "There, it has enough magic power to go along the ground. Again, luck to you!" And then Chrome bounded off in the snow.
I got on the sleigh and grabbed the reins. It started moving! I steered it toward Night Street--my street! My house, even! I dropped off the numerous present at Madame's house, and I saw a giant present for May. Nice.
I rushed the sleigh to Nifty Avenue, where a woman named Mistress Marilyn lived with her 2 cats and her 4 kittens. I dropped off three gifts there. Now to Emerald Place!
Every cat in the fancy small house of Diamond Doorplace was a believer, and they all got necklaces and jewelry. That morning, I slept in. Phew, that was hard work! I walked downstairs and waited for the cats. "Mama! Mama!" May shouted. "Look how big my present is!" I smiled. None of the cats would ever know I was the one who delivered the presents. May was the first to unwrap their present.
The present, when May unwrapped it, was a big box. She tore apart the box, and it led to another box. Finally, after 5 boxes, the last box was here--a small box, no more than 8 inches long.
May sighed, thinking that her present had not been important. She tore the box apart--a book. She looked at it for a minute, then read the title. "The Book Of How To Be Marie." she read. I was surprised. Well, she really got what she wanted for Christmas. She started reading it right then. Jan and Bev got the same thing as each other--a Clarinet. "Yay! Just what I wanted! A music machine!" Jan spat, laughing. Bev wrinkled her nose. "It is a clarinet." she said in a you-are-wrong-please-get-it-right voice. Junior stuck his tongue out at Bev (he was just a bit older than her). "Bev the beaver. Beaver beaver Bev." he said, teasing her. Technically, Bev was supposed to be older than Junior, she was his aunt! "You know, I am your aunt!" Jan said, sticking her tongue at TJ. Junior wrinkled his nose. "But you're younger than me, so I control you with my wrath!" TJ shouted, tumbling over Jan. "Ouch!" Jan cried, punching Junior and scratching him with her sharp claws. "Hey!" Junior hissed, jumping off of her. I gave them both a look. Christmas continued on. Abe Gio got a book of creativity, which basically was like a coloring book with benefits. Lanc got a tuner for his instrument. Diamond got a silvery toy. But I have to say, Toula, Berlay, and Mariette (who had returned just for Christmas) got very important presents. They were the last gifts given, and they were small. Toula unwrapped hers first. A blue collar, studded with flecks of gold, sewn in with a few silver threads here and there, and embroidered with the named "Toula" in bold cursive lettering. Berlay got a silky red collar with the name "Berlay" delicately sewed in golden threads. The white cursive letter 'Y' looped at the end and wisped to the side. And finally, Mariette. She had a light rose pink collar, soft as satin, though it looked more like sewn sheer. Pure diamonds were studded in every few inches. And on the front of the collar, written in real silver threads cut so fine they were ten times as thin as a grain of sand, was the name "Mariette". All of the now young cats slipped their collars on, purring in excitement. I remembered when I got my collar--marking the start of adulthood, showing that I was now independent and free. Mariette, Berlay, and Toula had been right beside me, cheering me on. I smiled. We had gotten so far. finally, Duchess walked up to me. "This is a present for you. I drew it myself a few years ago, wondering what you would look like. I think I got it spot on, and I was planning to give it to you this Christmas." she smiled. I nodded. The picture was exactly me.

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