A "simple recon" mission

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~7-years later-

"Are you ready Lucy darling" said a soft voice. Lucy looked up at the voice to see her mother in a black leather suit with a utility around her waist her hair did up in a bun she stood on Lucy's door frame with her arms crossed.

"Yes mother I am ready" Lucy said buckling her utility belt around her waist and tying her hair up into a bun similar to her mothers.

"I know your nervous it's not everyday a 12 year old girl goes on her first recon mission so be careful your father would let us know if the situation needed to be changed so don't worry all you have to do is stay in the shadows with me ok" Layla smiled at her daughter remembering the first time she went on her first mission except she was only 21 and it was after she and Jude were married she actually because a full fledged assassin.

"Excuse me mistress but the master would like to see you downstairs for the mission debriefing tonight" said one of their newest servers, Virgo she had pink hair and Lucy seemed to like her along with all the other servers which Layla had no problem with.

When Lucy and Layla made it down stairs they saw a big table with many different killing weapons, explosives, and life savers Lucy gawked in awe as there was also a holographic screen behind her father that showed a map of an old warehouse building.

"So what's the plan papa?" Lucy asked recovering from her awe and becoming more alert.

"Well it's just supposed to be a simple recon mission our employer wants us to look into the Eisenwald  shipping company they have come to suspicion that some of the employees are smuggling explosives to an unknown gang in the states they want us to put that suspicion to rest, you and your mother won't be near me so I'm giving you these head sets there's no definite way to determine if well have to get our hands dirty, So Layla I want you to take this gun and boot knives Lucy you'll have poison darts, a Kunia knife, and a your tanto blades don't use your weapons right away you can't always rely on them always use your surroundings and your fighting skills stay in the shadows " Jude said until it turned into a full on safety rant.

"Jude, your rambling again Lucy will be fine it's just a simple recon mission well be in and out and back before dinner ok" Layla said petting her daughters head and smiling at her husband who was more nervous then Lucy.

"Alright fine but just incase well each get a grenade for extra measures". Jude said giving each girl a hand grenade

"Don't worry papa I'll be fine this is what I've been training for, right?" Lucy said smiling at her father who smiled back and the room had erupted in laughter .

~warehouse arrival 8:45pm~
The young Heartfillia was hidden perfectly in the shadows she kept her eyes trained on the 6 men on the ground level of the warehouse she pulled out her sonic recorder her father had given her and tuned in to hear what they where saying.

Man 1:"Man Jose isn't gonna like this we already have a lose thread what if we get caught it's over for us."

Man 2: "Yea we can't risk another shipment Tsuyama."

The man known as Tsuyama growled in annoyance.


"Toshin, Kakuji stop your blubbering and go get the merchandise our buyer will be here soon" another man said.

"Hai, kai" with that the two men known as Toshin and Kakuji left to go get the "goods".

"Tsuyama, go with Kosa and Moji and make sure the place is clear our buyer is on his way" Kai said.

"Yeah, yeah alright you two come on" Tsuyama said as Kosa and Moji followed him outside to check the perimeter .

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