Chapter One

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"I'll have this one mate." I say to Paul as I point to the tattoo I wanted. He nods and leaves me to go gather the things he would need. I lean against the counter while he walks around the shop, rolling up the sleeves of my black shirt as I wait. I glance at the many tattoos already on my skin and smile slightly. They were mostly just random ones but I liked having them.

"Alright Harry, I'm all set." Paul says and I walk over to the empty chair and watch as he puts on rubber gloves. "Where do you want it?" I point to an empty spot on my left arm near my heart tattoo and he nods, getting to work. I lay my head back while he works when the bell above the door rings, signaling another customer.  "No! Alyssa, I said no!" I groan and open my eyes as two girls walk into the store. One of them has an arm full of tattoos and the other has absolutely none, or none that I could see.

"Bill! Get your ass out here! We have a customer!" Paul yells upon seeing the girls. I smirk lightly before leaning my head back again. "Come on. Just get one small tattoo! It's your birthday for god's sake!" I can hear the friend exclaim along with the sound of pages flipping. "No! My parents would kill me!" I laugh in my head at her innocence just as I feel the needle leave my arm.

"Alright Harry. All done." I look down at the new tattoo and nod before getting out of the chair. I thank Paul and grab my jacket before heading for the exit. I notice the girl with no tattoos flipping through the tattoo book and stop. "Personally, I like this one." I say coming up behind her pointing to a flower tattoo. I smirk when she jumps slightly from my voice. She turns her head to look at me with a nervous expression making me smirk again. "Sorry for scaring you, " I say leaning in towards her, "But I would consider the tattoo." I whisper into her ear and gently brush my lips against her cheek before leaving. I can't help the smirk that appears once again on my face.


I roll my eyes as I enter the apartment to find Niall lip locking with some blond chick on the couch. I purposely slam the door behind me, grinning as they jump apart. "Fuck Harry." Niall mumbles as I slip my shoes off and hang up my jacket. Not saying I walk to the kitchen and grab a bottle of beer from the fridge, opening it as Niall walks over. "Who's the chick?" I ask taking a sip of the beer. He shrugs his shoulders as the girl blows him a kiss before leaving the apartment. "I think her name was Joey, or Joanna...something along those lines." He says making me chuckle. This is typical Niall for you. Literally a new girl every week and he never remembers their names. It doesn't bother me too much expect the noise, if you know what I mean. "So, what are the plans for tonight?" Niall asks running a hand through his hair. I take another sip before setting the bottle down.

"I don't know man, you got any ideas?" He shakes his head and I sigh. For some reason my mind goes back to that girl today and how I made her nervous. She was...different. It surprised me that she was even in the tattoo shop. I wonder if she got a tattoo after I left. Prob_

"Mate! Did you hear me?" I blink a couple times before clearing my throat. "Uh, sorry. What'd you say?" He rolls his eyes before walking away. I follow him to his room as he looks through his closet. "As I was saying, why don't we hit some clubs tonight. You need to get fucked dude, its been too long." I groan at his words as I take a seat on his bed. "It's only been_" "Like 10 months man. Since that fucking Mary chick you haven't gotten laid." Niall interrupts making me groan as I run a hand through my long hair. As much as I hated to admit it, Niall was right. Only about the not getting laid part. I was actually fine with the not having sex part. Ever since my ex girlfriend Mary cheated on me, I stopped caring about what girls thought of me. I didn't dress up before going out, I didn't flirt with girls, I didn't do anything. Don't get me wrong, I still go out to have fun but no to pick up girls like Niall. I haven't wanted any girls...until maybe today. I was drawn to her...I couldn't help myself.



HELLO! So this is the first chapter of a new story. Now..harry will not be a tattooed jackass as many people portray him to be. He will be how I want him to be. NOW PLEASE COMMENT, VOTE, AND SHARE WITH YOUR FRIENDS!! BUT DO NOT IN ANYWAY COPY OR PUBLISH THIS STORY ELSE WHERE WITHOUT MY PERMISSON!

anyway...thanks for reading! next chapter in about a week! xH

cover credit: guccistyles-

Copyright © 2016 by Autumn King/ Harryslut94. All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review

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