Chapter Two

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"Get up! Rise and shine bitch!" I groan and cover my ears as Alyssa screams into my ear. I attempt to go back to sleep but she's not having it. "Come on!" She whines pulling at the covers. "It's your fucking birthday! Time to celebrate." I sigh before sitting up, glaring at her while she laughs. I know she means well because she's my bestfriend but sometimes she's a pain in my ass. I blow her a kiss before running into the bathroom to shower. Alyssa and I have been friends for almost two years now. We met at the place where I work, which was a bakery, and we hit it off right away. Although her tattoos and wild behavior made me nervous at first, she was a good person. She's always been there for me which is all I could ask for. "What's taking you so long?" I hear Alyssa complain from my bedroom and I turn the shower off. I wrap a towel around my body before leaving the bathroom. When I get back into my room I see that Alyssa has already laid out an outfit for me. But from looking at the outfit I knew that this stuff wasn't even mine, and that it was newly bought. I give her a look before speaking.

"You did not buy me a whole new outfit!" I complain as I sit on the bed. "Of course I did! Your wardrobe needed some leather upgrade." She says and I sigh before admiring the outfit. It was a new leather jacket and boots, along with a white shirt and black pants. I actually kind of  loved it. "So you just want me to wear this today?" I question earning a laugh from her. "No! You are wearing this to the club tonight! You can wear whatever you want until then." My eyes widen at the word 'Club'. I've never been to a party or club in my life! I've never even had an alcoholic drink before! I've always been to afraid of disappointing my parents. "Alyssa no way!" She sighs before grabbing my hand.

"Madison! Your 19 now which means you can legally drink! So we're going out to a club and we are going to have a couple drinks! Now go get dressed 'cause I'm taking you out." She says slapping my butt as I walk towards my closet.


It was a beautiful day and I smile as we walked down Green St. I can't help the yawn that escaped my lips and I look over to Alyssa as she chuckles. "Why aren't you excited? I mean it's your birthday!" I shrug my shoulders when she suddenly grabs my hand, dragging me towards a shop. My eyes widen when I realize where we are.

"I am not getting a tattoo," I state as Alyssa turns to me. "Come on, live a little." I fake laugh at her before realizing she's serious. "No! Alyssa, I said no." I say and hear a groan from across the room. I ignore it as Alyssa walks over to a counter with books on it. I groan but follow her. "Come on, just get a small one." She exclaims as I begin to flip through one of the books, filled with tattoos. Even though I've never admitted it, I've always wanted to get a small tattoo. But once again I couldn't do anything to disappoint my parents. "You know that my parents would kill me Alyssa." I mumble and she just rolls her eyes. I sigh in defeat as I continue flipping the pages. I saw some interesting tattoos but none that I liked. I wasn't into doing crazy things like Alyssa.

"Personally, I like this one." I jump as a voice says behind me while pointing to a tattoo of a rose. I slowly turn towards the voice and I'm greeted by an extremely handsome face. I watch as he smirks before leaning slowly in towards me. "Sorry for scaring you," he whispers into my ear making me shiver, "But if I was you I would consider the tattoo." He brushes his lips against my cheek and I gasp. He smirks again before leaving the shop, leaving me speechless.

"Oh my god! What the hell was that?!" Alyssa exclaims while I stand there frozen. I continue to stare at the rose tattoo before speaking. "I'll have this one." I tell the tattoo artist earning a squeal from Alyssa.


I wince again as I put my jacket on before leaving the shop. "Girl, I am so happy! You actually got a frigging tattoo!" I laugh and look over to her. I felt bad that she didn't get a tattoo but she said it was fine because today was all about me. But the only thing on my mind was that man, and his sexy voice, and his sexy face. I gasp to myself at my terrible thoughts before Alyssa interrupts me. "That guy was hot as fuck! Right?" She exclaims and I nod. "Let me just say that I would so jump his bones." A twinge of jealousy runs through me but I just ignore it. I don't even know the guy for god's sake. And besides, I'll never see him again. But just thinking of seeing him again makes me smile.


Once back at the apartment Alyssa leaves me to run some errands but not before telling me to be ready by 9:00. I sigh as I flop onto my bed letting my eyes close. My arm still hurt from the tattoo but I tried to ignore the pain. I just wanted to relax and forget that it was my birthday. I honestly hate birthdays, I don't even know the real reason why. Ever since my 11th birthday I've grown to hate them. Only because when I turned 11 my mom left us for another man. Leaving me crying on my birthday and leaving me without a mother. My dad had locked himself away in his room leaving me stuck with a babysitter 24/7. It was until I was 13 when he finally left his room and became my father again. When I turned 14 he brought a woman named Patti home for me to meet. I thought Patti was amazing. Mostly because I finally had a mother figure in my life. Than 3 years later when I was 17, they got married, and that was the best moment in my life. Seeing my dad happy again. A knock at my door interrupts me from my happy thoughts making me sigh. I take a moment before walking over to answer the door. On the other side of the door is my boss, Liam. I smile and he smiles back. I stand there awkwardly for a moment before speaking.

"Um...would you like to come in?" He nods his head, walking into my apartment. I close the door behind me and turn around to look at him. "Do you need anything Liam?" I ask nervously as I bite the inside of my cheek. He shakes his head before taking a seat on my couch. I hesitate before taking a seat in the love chair in front of him.

"Well Madison, I heard that I was your birthday so I thought I would take you to lunch. If you're not busy, of course." He says surprising me. My boss was asking me to lunch...."Um...I...sure. I'd like that." He smiles and we both stand up. "I just need to be back here by 6:00." I mumble while grabbing my jacket and following him out the door.



Now I know I said I would update next week but I had the urge to write soooooo yayy!! I hope you liked this chapter! Please, vote, comment and share with friends! BUT IN NO WAY CAN YOU COPY THIS AND PUBLISH IT ELSEWHERE WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!  anyway, love you guys!! xH

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