Chapter Four

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My mind seems a little clearer due to the fresh air as I stand in front of him. I decide that I should probably tell him my name and I clear my throat.

"I'm Madison...sorry about...yeah..." I mumble and attempt to shake his hand. He chuckles and I smile at the beautiful sound.

"Harry. Nice to meet you." He smiles and runs a hand through his gorgeous brown hair.

I smile at Madison as I run a hand through my somewhat sweaty hair. I couldn't stop noticing how beautiful she was. Her eyes, her hair...everything about her was beautiful. My thoughts are interrupted as she speaks. "Do you want to see something?" I nod my head and she rolls up the right sleeve of her shirt showing me a bandage. "I got the tattoo..." She mutters as though embarrassed. I smile as I take a step closer to her and gesture towards the bandage as if asking permission to touch. She nods and I lift the bandage a little to take a look. Sure enough, there on her arm, was the rose tattoo that I had pointed out. It looked good.
"Are you feeling any better?" I ask as she pulls her sleeve back down, shivering from the cold. She gives me a slight nod just as her phone begins go ring from her jean pocket. She looks at me before answering it.
"Alyssa...yeah I'm just outside..." I stuff my hands into my pant pockets as she talks to whoever. I feel kind of bad. That we had to meet this way. I close my eyes for a moment as she continues to talk. "God Alyssa! You of all people should understand! I'll see you back at home!" I hear her exclaim into the phone before she hangs up. My eyes open as I hear her coming towards me. She has a frustrated look on her face that makes me frown.
"Everything alright?" I ask as she places a stray hair behind her ear. She just nods her head before an idea pops into my head.
"Want to get out of here?" I ask and chuckle as her eyes widen. "No...I meant like...I know a really good diner that's not far from here. Want to go?" A look of relief washes over her face as she smiles. "Yes. That'd be perfect actually!" I laugh and tell her to follow as I lead her to my car. After opening the passenger door for her I get into the driver's seat before starting the car. As I pull out of the club parking lot I smile.
"I really like your tattoos. Can I ask what made you get this one?" Madison asks beside me, placing her hand on my mermaid tattoo. I chuckle as I take a left turn before I start to explain.

Sorry! I know it's short but I had this all typed out by my stupid computer didn't save it so I had to rewrite the whole thing!!! The next chapter will be better I promise!! But I need comments in order to know how I'm doing!!! So vote and COMMENT PLEASE!!

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