Chapter Seven

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Harry😊: heart hurts x

Me: awe I'm sorry haha. Sorry Harry. It's movie time with Alyssa. Texting is not allowed. Ttyl

I set my phone down and smile as his new message appears on the screen.

Harry😊: okay. Have fun. Talk later beautiful x


I roll onto my right side and pull the covers up as I shiver from the coldness of my room. I had been trying to fall asleep for about two hours and I wasn't having any luck. I groan and roll back onto my left side, glancing at the clock. 1:15. I yawn and unplug my phone from my nightstand. I unlock my phone and find myself texting Harry.

Me: Hi...sorry if you're asleep...I can't sleep I simply say and press send. I lay there for a moment watching the screen until it says read underneath the message. I smile as I see the bubbles of him texting back on the screen.

Harry:): its alright. I wasn't asleep anyway. I was just playing some stupid game on my phone x

I smile and feel butterflies in my stomach at his signature kiss. I wonder why he does that...

Me: sounds like fun...I'm really excited for tomorrow.

Harry:): Me too...but you need to get some sleep if we plan on having fun. Good night x

I stare at my screen for a moment before turning it off and plugging it back in before rolling over. I close my eyes and thankfully sleep takes over.

I press pause on the TV when Alyssa comes over to the couch with two coffees in hand. I thank her as she hands me one and take a sip before looking over to her. She has a huge smile on her face and I could tell by the look on her face that she wanted to tell me something. I set my mug on the coffee table in front of us and grab one of her hands.

"Spill. Whatever it is you want to tell me, spill." Alyssa grins and I shift so I can get comfortable. " I've been wanting to tell you this for a while...I just didn't know how.." She stops for a moment before continuing. "Alright so...Mr. Payne...I mean Liam our boss...I...he and I are dating!" She quickly blurts out and I gasp.

"What?!" I squeal jumping off of the couch, pulling her with me. "When did this happen?? I want details right now!" She giggles and starts to tell me. About three months ago, Alyssa and Liam were on the closing shift at the bakery and it was about 11:30 at night when he decided to take her out. They went out for hotdogs and he brought her home. I was visiting my parents so I wasn't home. She says they watched a movie, he kissed her and that's how everything started. They've been out on three dates and she thinks he's amazing. I loved how she told me every little detail in awe. I could tell she loved him.

"Well it's a good thing I like Liam." I joke and pull her into a tight hug. She laughs as she hugs me tightly. "I'm so happy for you Alyssa!" We pull away from each other just as someone comes inside, closing the door behind them. "Speaking of Liam, that's him. He's taking me out for the day. Have fun on your date with Harry," She says as she begins to head downstairs, "USE PROTECTION!" I groan at her words but shout out a goodbye before flopping back onto the couch. It was only 10 in the morning. I had like 10 hours until my date. What was I supposed to do until then?



"Niall! TURN YOUR FUCKING MUSIC OFF!" I yell from my bedroom as he blares his annoying rock music throughout the apartment. I groan when it doesn't turn off and roll out off my bed, grabbing a random shirt off the floor and throwing it on over my head. I run a hand through my messy bed head before leaving my room, only to find the apartment has been turned into a party house over night. "God damn it Niall." I mumble under my breath and head to the kitchen. Thankfully, only about 6 people were still here, including Zayn and Louis. I turn the stereo off and smile as the house is filled with silence. Zayn stirs from the couch and I decide to have some fun. I slowly walk over to the sleeping bunch in the living room. I take a deep breath before screaming at the top of my lungs.

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