Chapter Eight

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I sigh and take one last look at the house before walking away. Madison hated me now. I ruined everything. 'Of you ruined everything. You show up three hours late, not to mention drunk. Stupid.' My mind says laughing at me. I just ignore it and keep walking until i eventually make it to my apartment. For once the apartment is quiet when I enter it meaning Niall must still be at the club. I hang my jacket up and kick my shoes off before going to my room. I pull my tangled mess of hair into a bun and sit on my bed. I contemplated on calling Madison but I knew that she wouldn't pick up. She doesn't want to hear from me. Niall kept saying that Mary and her were the same but they aren't. Mary broke my heart, where Madison is helping me put it back together. She was amazing...and I couldn't believe that I ruined it. I sigh and plug my headphones into my phone and place the earbuds into my ears. I lay down on my bed and press play on one of my playlists and close my eyes. 


I wake up that morning with a headache and red puffy eyes. I must have spent half the night waiting for Harry and crying. When he did eventually show up I didn't want to see him so Alyssa got rid of him . "You ready Madison? We have to leave for work soon." Alyssa says from outside my bedroom door as I'm getting changed. I sigh and go to nod my head before realizing she can't see me. "Yeah. I'm almost ready." I mumble and then my door is opening and she's walking in. She has a sad look on her face and it for some reason it angers me. Knowing that now she's gonna be walking on eggshells around me, afraid that I'm going break and fall apart. Well I'm not. Harry was just some stupid asshole and I wasn't going to let him break me.  

"Don't worry about me Alyssa. I'm fine. He's just some stupid guy." I say as she goes to sit on my bed, pulling a hoodie over my head. She sighs and plays with the hem of her shirt. "I know...I just...." She stops when my phone rings from the nightstand. I freeze in my spot and watch as she grabs it. "It's Liam." I let out a sigh of relief and thank her as she hands me the phone and I answer it. 

"Hi Liam," I say before sitting on my floor. "Hey Madison. Listen the shops not to busy today so why don't you stay home. You've worked more than your regular hours anyway," I sigh. I was really looking forward to work taking my mind off things. "Sure, thanks Liam," I mumble before hanging up. I had to think that it was weird though. Come to think of it the shops not even open yet. Alyssa and I are supposed to open it. I grit my teeth and look at Alyssa. 

"You told him to give me the day off didn't you," I demand getting up from my stop on the floor. She gives me a sincere look but i shrug it off. " I can't...god Alyssa. I'm not some 5 year old girl who can't handle these situations! I'm fine. I'm 19 for fuck sakes. Please, treat me like a adult!" I exclaim and grab my jacket and car keys before quickly leaving the house.  I don't even know where I'm going, I just did not want to be around Alyssa at the moment. It drives me insane how people still treat me like I'm five. I'm not 5 I am 19. I can handle tough situations. Once I'm out off the driveway I drive towards the diner. The one...the one that Harry had taken me too. I wasn't going there in the hopes to see Harry. I was going there because I was hungry and they had pretty good food. It takes me all of ten minutes to get there and I find myself locking my car and heading inside. I wasn't going to eat in, I was going to order and than I going to visit my sister. I haven't seen her in a couple months, and i thought i might as well pay as visit now. Especially since I had boy drama for her. I order a cheeseburger and fries, along with a root beer and sit down as I wait. My phone vibrates and assuming it to be Alyssa I go to read the text only to find out it's from Harry. 

Harry: I'm sorry...if you want to hear from me, visit me here...x

Included in the text is an address, probably his. I sigh and go to delete the message when my name is called. I stuff the phone back into my purse and go up to grab my order. I thank them and go back to my car. Once I have my seatbelt on I grab my phone again, and read the address. Before I know what I'm doing I'm pulling out of the parking lot and driving towards the address Harry gave me. 


I know its short but i have exams over the next 4 days so i wont be able to update so i wanted to give you all something! I hope you enjoy. Please comment  and vote!!!11

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