Chapter Five

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"I really like your tattoos. Can I ask what made you get this one?" Madison asks beside me, placing her hand on my mermaid tattoo. I chuckle as I take a left turn before I start to explain.


I smile like a school crushing on her teacher as Harry explains the meaning behind his explicit mermaid tattoo. He voice is memorizing and I watch as his lips move while he speaks. He is so handsome. With all his tattoos, his beautiful green eyes, and his curly brown hair. As he continues to talk I imagine myself running a hand through his hair and pulling gently on his locks. The thought makes me feel something in the pit of my stomach but I push the feeling away. I don't even know this guy! All I know is his first nam_ "Um...Madison are you okay?" Harry says with a hint of worry in his voice. I stare into space before turning to him. "Uh, yeah. Sorry." It's then when I realize that we're parked in the lot of the diner Harry had mentioned. I mumble an apology before Harry gets out of the car and walks over to my side, opening the door for me. I thank him and find myself admiring his features once again before we walk into the diner. It's pretty packed for a Friday night and we're lucky enough to find an empty booth near the back. I bite my bottom lip as we sit across from each other. It felt as though everyone was staring at me. Probably because I was some shy, ugly female with a drop dead attractive tattooed male. I start to bite the inside of my cheek again while drumming my fingers against the table. If Harry notices that I'm nervous he doesn't show it. We sit in silence for a moment before a waiter comes over to our table.

"Hi. My name is Sophie and I will be your waiter tonight. Can I start you off with something to drink?" Harry looks at me before telling Sophie that we would like two root beers. She writes it down before leaving our table. "Tell me something about yourself Madison." Harry finally speaks. I place a hair behind my ear before answering. "I really enjoy writing." Harry smiles making me blush for no reason. He just chuckles while fiddling around with the rings on his fingers. "What do you write?" My mind freezes. I never tell anyone what I write about. I'm about to say something when Sophie comes to our table with our drinks. I thank her and take a sip. "I write...I write about my life." Harry nods. "Like a diary?" I laugh and shake my head no.
"No. More like an autobiography for myself. I don't write so other people can read it. I write simply for me." I take another sip of my drink waiting for him to laugh or make a joke. But he doesn't. "That's pretty cool." I blush once again and curse myself. What has gotten into me?! I take a deep breath before asking him something. "I think it's only fair for you to tell me something about you. Since I answered your question." I say and attempt to smirk but just end up looking weird which makes him laugh. He finishes his drink before clearing his throat.
"To be honest, I'm not that great." He mumbles which surprises me. "What do you mean? I mean I know I don't even know you but you don't seem all that bad." I say and he laughs.
"Yeah...I'm not. I used to do drugs all the time. I was a player and honestly, I hurt some people. But I'm better now." His words shock me and I almost fall out of my seat. I mean yeah his tattoos make him look like an ass but I didn't think he was... "I..uh.." I stutter but nothing else comes out. My face goes red and I quickly stand up. "I need the use the restroom. I'll be right back." I mumble and stuff my phone into my pocket before heading to the washroom. Once I'm in the bathroom I rush to the sink and sigh. 'What are you doing?' My mind screams at me. I lean against the counter and glance at the clock that was on the wall. It was already 1:30 in the morning. I didn't realize it was so late. 'He's crazy can't stay!' I ignore the screaming that my mind is doing as I head back to our table only to find it empty.
"He's waiting outside dear." Our waiter Sophie tells me and I mumble a thank you before going outside. I find him sitting on a bench playing on his phone.
"Hey." I find myself saying and he looks up. Our eyes meet before I sit beside him. I wasn't sure what to say so I just sit there. We sit there in silence for a couple of minutes before he places a hand on my knee causing me to jump. "Listen to me...I'm sorry for everything that's happened tonight.." He doesn't continue. I sigh and quickly get up. I don't say anything as I walk over to his car and climb into the passenger seat. I...I just needed to get home. I didn't want to be here anymore. After a moment Harry slips into the driver's side and starts the car.
"Can you please take me home?" I say and he just nods. I give him my address and he drives away from the diner.
Harry parks the car as we sit in the driveway of Alyssa and mines place. "Thank you. For driving me home." He nods and licks his bottom lip before getting out of the car. "Wh_" I cut myself as I quickly go after him. "What are you doing?" I harshly whisper once catching up to him. He doesn't say anything. We stand there staring at each other than without a warning his hands are on my waist and he's pulled me tight against him. My breath hitches in my throat at the contact. "What_" He stops me by placing one of his long fingers to my mouth. I stare into his glistening green eyes as the air thickens around us. "Your so beautiful." He mumbles before he roughly presses his lips to mine. I gasp as his lips mold perfectly together with mine and I find myself clutching his shirt as I press myself closer to him, desperate to feel his body against mine. He removes his lips for a moment, a smirk clear on his face, before I bring my hand to the back of his neck and presses my lips back to his. My stomach flutters when I hear him groan against my lips and I feel heat radiating through our bodies. Harry gently tugs on my bottom lip briefly before moving his lips to my neck. I gasp at the sensation as he begins to lightly suck. My mind was screaming with mixed thoughts as I grip his shirt tighter. "Harry..." I whimper and he groans again pressing his lips to mine once more before pulling away.
"Good night Madison." He says smirking before turning around and going back to his car. I stand there breathless as he gets in and drives away.
When I wake up that morning I head to the bathroom and gasp when I see myself. On my neck is a fresh bruise, from Harry's brutal attack. I bring a finger to it and wince as my mind goes back to how I got it. I smile slightly.
"WHERE DID YOU GET THAT?!" Alyssa screams as she barges into the bathroom giving me no time to cover it up. I bite my bottom lips as she stands there with her hands on her hips. "Um..." She grabs my hand dragging me back into my bedroom. She forces me to sit on the bed. "I want details. Now." I sigh. "Um...remember that guy from the tattoo shop?" She nods quickly and I find myself telling her everything that happened last night. "Damn! Awesome way to end your birthday!" She squeals as I finish giving her the details of our make out session. "Wait. Let me get this straight. He makes out with you, gives you a hickey, and then just leaves?" I nod as my mind goes back. To the feeling of his perfectly smooth lips...and the way they felt against my neck..."Dude! You are so thinking of him right now, aren't you?" I blush and she starts laughing. I couldn't help but think about how much I wanted that to happen again. I'm about to say something to Alyssa when the doorbell starts to ring. "I'll get it." She says and I thank her before laying down. It's silent for about 30 seconds before Alyssa stars to squeal. "Alyssa?!" I jolt up from my bed and run downstairs before stopping dead in my tracks. Standing in my doorway, looking hot as hell, was Harry.
(A/N! I am internally screaming!)

I stand there waiting for the door to open. I wasn't even planning on coming back but I couldn't stop myself. Suddenly the door opens revealing the tattooed girl that Madison was with. My eyes widen when she suddenly starts to squeal loudly. "Alyssa!?" I heard someone yell from upstairs and a moment later Madison is walking down the stairs. Even in pj shorts and a tank top, she was gorgeous. No one's speaking so I decide to. "Hi." Nice Harry, very clever. I look at Madison and see a hickey on her neck and I can't help but smile. I did that. She whispers something to Alyssa. Alyssa frowned but looked me over before huffing upstairs.
"You can come in Harry." Her soft voice says and I nod as I walk past her. She closes the door before looking at me. She was pulling down on her shirt and I could tell she felt uncomfortable.
"Um...I came to see if you wanted to go for breakfast?" I blurt out and when i catch her biting her lip something inside me ignites. I ignore it though and wait for her answer. "I...I would love to Harry. But I have to be at work in 2 hours." She replies and I frown. "Well...maybe we can get coffee and I could drop you off?" I suggest and I find her nodding her head. I smile and follow her as she goes upstairs. I can see the outside of her panties as she goes and smirk to myself. 'Control yourself Harry. This isn't you.' A voice in my head says and I push the sinful thoughts to the back of my head. " just wait here while I change." She mumbles and I nod before taking a seat on the couch. She smiles and then leaves for her room. Leaving me alone with her friend.
"So. You're the famous Harry that Madison has told me about." Alyssa says as she sips her coffee from the kitchen. I stand up and walk over. "Um...yup. That's me." She nods.
"How old are you?" I roll my eyes at her childish questions but answer. "I am 23." "Do you have a job?" I grit my teeth before stuffing my hands into my pocket.
"Why are you asking me all these questions?" I say getting annoyed. Alyssa sets the mug down before crossing her arms.
"Because. Madison is like a sister to me. And you are definitely not her type. I mean the tattoos, the leather jacket, the douche hair." I give her a glare and she just stares. "What's your fucking point?" I mutter and she's about to answer before Madison emerges from her room. She was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a hoodie but she still looked amazing. "You ready?" I say instantly forgetting Alyssa's interrogation. She nods and I get up from the stool. "Um...I'll see you later Alyssa." She says and she follows me downstairs. Before she can put her shoes on I grab her wrist gently and turn her towards me. I smile before placing my lips to hers. I can feel her sigh and kisses me back before I pull away. "Sorry. I couldn't help myself." I say and smirk before holding the door open for her.

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