Easy Sherlock

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"Kelli, wake up! It's eleven thirty! Come on, wake up!!!" Meghan said jumping up and down on my bed, unfortunately waking me up.

I groan and pull the covers over my head and try to ignore her.

"Oh, no you don't!" I heard her say, before feeling her get off the bed.

Just then I felt the blankets yanked off of me. It took me a second but I slowly sat up and shot her a look, letting her know I was not pleased with what she was doing. She just smiled and put her hands up in defense.

"Get changed. We're going to lunch and we're talking about your night with Jamie. We're leaving in twenty minutes, starting.... now!" She hopped off my bed and ran out of my room to give me time to wake up and change.

After I brushed my teeth and put on leggings and a sweatshirt, I walked out to the livening room where Meghan was waiting for me. She sat there with her phone in her hand, looking at the screen and was laughing, which wasn't odd, because that's all she ever does. I walked over and sat down next to her.

"You ready to go?" I asked. She jumped up, and we started heading towards the doors.

"Let's go to that little burger place downtown." She said as we jumped into her car and started driving downtown.

We got there rather quickly and were sat down immediately, which I was grateful for because I was starving. Our server come over and took our orders and then, Meghan and I started talking about random stuff. Then, she asked the question I've been waiting for her to ask.

"So... how was last night?! Where did you guys go?!" She asked eagerly looking at me, waiting for me to answer.

"We actually just ended up getting a pizza and went back to his place and watched Brando movies. It was fun!" I said smiling to myself remembering the events that took place last night.

"Wait, you guys didn't have sex, did you? Lord God heaven above tell me you guys didn't!" She said dramatically. All I could do was laugh at her.

"No, no, no! Don't worry, we didn't do anything like that! He actually loves Brando so we just watched his movies and talked about him." I explained.

"Oh, thank god. I was concerned for a second!" She said putting her hand over her heart.

"He did ask me to go to dinner tonight though so that should be fun." I said looking down, wondering what her reaction was going to be.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?" Meghan said with her voice a little higher than usual which only happens when she's either happy, or mad. So, I wasn't sure what she was going to say next.

"Oh my god! This is amazing! I can't believe this! I'm so happy for you Kel! I have to tell Tyler!" She said as she pulled out her phone. I just sat there and laughed.

Just then I noticed the sweatshirt she was wearing and I raised my eyebrow at her.

"So, speaking of Tyler....nice sweatshirt." I said, leaning back in my chair, crossing my arms, waiting for an explanation.

She stopped what she was doing, she seemed confused and looked down at the sweatshirt she was wearing. Her eyes widened and she slowly lifted her head. I continued to look at her amused, waiting for her to explain the piece of clothing.

"Easy, Sherlock. Nothing like that happened so get that out of your mind. I needed something to sleep in and he gave me his sweatshirt and that's it." She said, waving me off.

I felt like she wasn't telling me the whole truth but just before I could continue to interrogate her about her night, our food came and we both agreed not to talk about last night's events while we ate.

When we were done, we headed towards the car. It was still kind of early so I wondered if Meghan wanted to go anywhere else to kill time before I had to get ready for dinner with Jamie. Even though he hasn't texted me saying when he was going to pick me up, I didn't think too much about it because I knew he had practice and I'm sure he was busy with his captain duties.

"Do you want to go somewhere? It's still pretty early, we could just walk around?" I asked Meghan.

"Do you know what you're wearing tonight?" She stopped and looked at me.

To tell you the truth, it didn't really cross my mind.

"Shit. I have no idea." I admitted to her and she took my arm and dragged me back to the car and we went back to the apartment.

She walked into my room and I sat on the bed as she went into my closet and started digging through the little bit of clothes, I had brought with me to Dallas, looking for an outfit that would be deemed cute enough for my date with Jamie, or whatever we're calling it.

"Where are you guys going?" She poked her head out of the closet.

"I have no idea. He hasn't texted me all day. He did mention that he wanted to go to like a fancy place. But I don't know!" I admitted and I could see she was thinking.

She went back into the closet, talking to herself. I couldn't really make out what she was saying but I could hear her saying something about Jamie.

Just then, my phone started to go off, notifying me that I was getting a call. I grabbed it and look to see who it was. It was Jamie. It's about damn time, I thought to myself.

"Hey, Jamie!" I answered and then saw Meghan almost fall out of the closet, once she heard me say Jamie.

"Hey, Kel! How was your day?" He asked as I was trying not to faint from the sound of his voice.

"It was good, Meg and I went to lunch and now were just hanging out at the apartment. How was practice?"

"That sounds like fun. Practice was practice. Tyler fooling around like usual and dragging me into it." He laughed.

I swear, that laugh was like an angel. I could listen to it forever.

"Anyway, I was thinking about picking you up for dinner around maybe 8? How does that sound? I mean, if you still want to go to dinner. I don't want to pressure you into doing something you don't want to. Wait that came out wrong. Don't think I don't want to go out with you, I just mean if you don't want to it's...." Jamie began to ramble on.

I giggled then decided to cut off the flustered man, even though it was adorable to hear him all flustered.

"Jamie, of course I still want to go to dinner with you! Where are we going? I want to make sure I am properly dressed." I smiled to myself and waited for him to answer.

"Well, I'm not telling you the name of the restaurant, but it's pretty fancy." He answered. I rolled my eyes at the typical man answer.

"Jamie, that doesn't help me a lot." I managed to say before Meghan motioned me to give her the phone.

I handed it to her and she walked away from me to where I wouldn't be able to hear Jamie. She asked him where he was taking me so she can help me find an outfit.

"Ugh! What the fuck! I wanna go there! Lucky!" She said and then Jamie said something to her that she wasn't too thrilled about. "I'm done with this conversation. Here's Kelli." She said as she handed me the phone and disappeared into my closet for the fourth time.

"I'll see you at 8 Kelli." He said before we hung up.

Meghan reappeared with a black dress with lace sleeves and little high heeled boots.

"This is what you're wearing, and I don't want to hear otherwise." She said laying the dress out on my bed and left me to shower and get ready.

A Fresh Start (Kelli's Story Pt. 2)Where stories live. Discover now