Chapter Fourteen

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- I am skipping so now it's been a week or two after the trip


"Babe come on",I yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

We was meeting with Dr.Thomas today to talk about the trip.I don't know if I'm ready for this cause the trip wasn't the best.We did good in the long run but still.Black ass was taking forever to come down the stairs.He had an important meeting after our session so he wanted to look his best.

I went into the kitchen to grab something to eat real quick.I decided on oatmeal with cinnamon in it.I sat at the bar saying a lttle prayer then being to eat.After about my third to fourth bite it wasn't sitting to well with my stomach and I rush to the bathroom to throw up.

When I open the door,Black stood there and look at me.

"Are you alright"?he asked.


"Okay let's go we late",He said walking to the door.

"Really black it's cause your ass we late",I sad laughing.

I walk to the car while he lock up.I didn't know why I threw up my oatmeal.It was like my stomach wasn't sitting right with it.

We made it just in time.We sign in and waited to get call back.While sitting I start getting hot and nausea. I don't know if u was getting sick cause the weather but it was sitting to well with me.

I grab black and he just look at me.

"What's wrong",He asked

"I'm hot and it feels like I go to throw up again",I said taking my coat off trying to cool down.

"Do you want to reschedule the session and we can just Skype her later or something",He said.

I shook my head no.Black knew something wasn't right but he didn't say nothing.

We was call and stood up to walk to the back.

"Hey guys",Dr.Thomas said as we walk into the door to take a sit.

"Hey",We both said.

She look at me and said,"Lauren are you okay you sweating".

I felt my forehead and all could feel was wetness.

"I'm fine",I responded.

Well she started off with the session.She started talking to Black asking questions about the trip.

I was listening at first and then had the urge to throw up again.I got paid quickly and ran to the bathroom.
After throwing up,I rinse my mouth out and wipe my face.My skin look pale when I look into the mirror.

I open the door seeing Black leaning up against the wall.

"She said we can reschedule".

"Okay,but babe I'm fine maybe I just catch a cold or something",I said grabbing my coat from him.

"While we still leaving I'm call my mom and see if Lance can stay the night.Then go to the store and get you some medicine".

"What about your meeting",I asked.

"I'll text Raheem and tell him what's up but my wife comes first",He said kissing my forehead.

He open my door and then went to the driver side.Whilr in the car he called his mom and then called Raheem.

He drop me off and went to the store.
I walk upstairs and took my clothes off.I jump in the shower first because of me sweating.After my shower I put on my underwear and one of Black's shirt.

I watch tv until I fell asleep.I just hope I want pregnant cause I don't know if Black and I are actually ready for another baby right now.

I woke up around 1 in the morning seeing Black laying next to me.I woke up hungry then ever.I move and Black woke up.His such a light sleeper.

"Where you going",He said.

"To get something to eat".

"It's some soup I made just heat it up".


I slide my feet in my slippers then walk downstairs. I made in the kandi open the fridge seeing the soup he was talking about.I open it seeing that it was one of my favorite soups. I started getting happy while it was heating up in the microwave.After I pull it out I grab a spoon and sat at the bar.I took a couple of bite and then felt full.

I put the soup back in the fridge then cut off the light and went back upstairs.When I got to our bedroom I heard the tv.I walk in seeing Black laid back of the headboard with his hands in his shorts just watching tv.

He look damn good.I climb in bed and wrap my legs around him.He look down at me and kiss my forehead.Everything been going so well for us since we got back.

I move closer to me and then fell back to sleep.

-So I was going to do back to back chapters if I got 600 followers but I just change my mind.
-I will still give yall another chapter tomorrow or tomorrow night

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