Chapter 8

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We all got into a taxi and took us to our hotel. we we're staying in the second nicest hotel in paris.we all had pretty good jobs so we we're able to afford it. I was the head chef, caitlin worked as a traviling writer for a magizine, daytona was a vet for big animal, bruna was a lawyer and bree was a celberity massage person. so we we're rolling in the dough(<--- omg what? idk)

we checked in our hotel and we headed to or rooms now we didnt want another (loner situation) so it was me bruna in a room while caitlin bree and daytona shared a room. they were fine with it. me and bru had room 418 and the others had room 407. we walked through the lobbie of the hotel and i was breatheless it was just so beautiful i wanted to cry, but i didnt. we all got into the elevator and made our way to our rooms bree and caitlin we're talking daytona was texting jake she got here safe and bruna i was listening to the elevator music and i was laughing at her weirdness. my laughter was inturepted by my phone vibrating. i got a text from nathan.

from nathan: are you laughing right now?

omfg i think hes stalking me im getting creeped out, just kidding.

me: yes wtf are you like behind me or somthing??. i quickly turned around to check. no body was there.

in my thoughs i was interupted by my phone again.

nathan: hahaha no i can hear you from jays hotel room.XX

that means their in the same hotel as us omg!

"hey guys guess what?' i said 

"what" they said in synce, its just got weird again they need to stop that.

" the guys are staying at this hotel too' i said almost screaming.

they all smiled and whoohoo'd (not like in sims but like WHOO HOO YEAH that kind)

me: your in the same hotel as us omg wth stalking us much?" i laughed


Nathan: nah you've been stalking us ;)XX

oh someone wants to play this game

me: but we left the airport to go to the hotel first stalker;)

i was too busy having this weird text war to realise that the elevator stoped at our floor. i looked up and grabed my suitcase and me and bruna made our way to our room while caitlin and the others went the other way cause their room was a lower number. 

we finally found our room and i grabe the key and slit it into the door and opend it. opening that door was like opening a door to magicaly land, the room was huge almost like a small flat but seriosly i could live in it. i droped my bag and ran to the first bed and jumped on it landing on the cotton fabric as it engulfed my in the smell of lavender and vanilla.


we checked into the hotel it was like something only in the movies, it had amazing drawings on the ceiling. i whiped out my camera to take a picture of it for the magazine. i might be on a girls trip but this would be great for the magazine. we got a keys and went to the elevator and i was talking with bree and she was telling me some weird disturbing story about her mom being drunk. we love brees mom shes the weird fun mom. we're we inturupted by christy saying the guys were staying here too. that awesome we can all hangout and stuff and i can see max again. hmm?

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