Chapter 14

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hey guys! thats it i just wanted to say hi and if you want to talk about anything my twitter is @idbangnathanTW <--- yes i know your jelous of my twitter name


after magic mike was done the boys picked a movie they wanted to watch, some weird car movie i dont know. but i was getting tired so i kinda just laid my head on maxs shoulder and fell asleep.


ugh magic mike was taking forever to finsh. i will never get those images out of my head. so after that the deal was we could pick anymovie we wanted so we picked a action movie, i couldnt remember the name of it and i was so rapped in the movie i almost didnt realise caitlin asleep on my chest, aww she was so cute when she slept. I tried to grab a blanket from her bed with out disturbing her sleep. she stirred in her sleep alittle but she was still asleep. We just sat there and kinda cuddled for awhile. i felt my phone vibrate half way through the movie. it was a tweet from jay.

@maxthewanted: hey mate you two look cute ;) 

it was a picture of me and caitlin cuddling. im saving that one to my phone

@jaythewanted: good photo jobs latley and thanks!

I saved it as my lock screen.:)


I pulled away from christys lips to see her bright blue eyes staring back at me. I rapped my arms around her waist and whisperd in her ear... tag your it and took off running back to the hotel.


me and nathan were walking around and we found a spot to sit in the grass by the eiffel tower. i was plucking the grass cause it fun when nathan asked if i was bored.

"oh no i just like to pluck grass" i said while smiling

the truth was i was having fun, the cute cafe, trying on the funny clothes, him attempting to speack french. nathan grabed my hand which got my attenion to look up and i saw thoughs amazing hazel eyes i saw on the plane. he stoop up so i stood up still holding his hand. he was staring in my eyes almost like looking for somthing i didnt say anything i just kept looking at his face when it kept getting closer either i need to wear my glasses more or he was really getting close are faces were so close i could feel his warm breath hit my face, never breaking eye contact. his pushed his lips on to mine. i could feel fireworks the kiss was so full of passion i didnt even care what was going on in the world around me. his lips left mine, they were cold again i just looked at him and was smiling. he wraped his arms around my waist standing there for a bit when he whisperd in my ear. "tag your it" in this thick Glouchester accent (might of spelt that wrong sorry). i was shocked but i took off in the direction of where he was running.

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