I'll break the rules for you

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  " I see you brung the whole gang and you not even the leader Quincey," King said.

  "Yeah so did you and a little girl who she," Quincey laughed.

"LITTLE GIRL I'M 10 NIGGA SO YOU CAN SHUT UP!" Bianca yelled. King pushed her back.

"Whatever, let's go King just me and you," Quincey said.

"Nope. It's you and Nicole if you lose we get ya money we lose you get ours," King said.

"Alright come on little lady no weapons just fists, knees, and legs," Quincey said. King had my gun I walked out and took my hoodie and shirt off. I was in a sports bra, jeans, and high tops. Quincey came charging like a mad bull I kicked him in the face.

  We fought I won I beat a grown man. Made him cry cause he just made his gang lose five million dollars. We celebrated at the house first time we actually did have fun. King and I had a few drinks together. He got a little too drunk for me, we went into his room after the celebration. He locked his door and pinned me to the wall.

"What are you doing King?" I questioned.

"Nicole I'd break rules for your love I like ya," King slurred.

"King you might wanna rethink this your drunk what if in the morning you yell at me and take me to God's Forbidden," I said.

"This will be my fondest memory I don't need to rethink this Nicole," he smirked slyly.

"Hey King, Ray's gang on da phone what you want me to do," Binky asked King.

"Tell dem motherfers to stop calling me late at night," King slurred.

"Alright King." Binky said. King kissed me I kissed him. We fell on the bed the rest was a blur I was too drunk to remember. Drunk from what love? I woke up next to King he looked at me then got up. His room was more luxurious then any room in the house. He put his pants on and shirt. I got up I was in my bra and underwear.

  "Here put this on," King gave me a black shirt and jeans. I put them on and walked out the room. I went to go get Camille from God's Forbidden. She was alive thank God but usually God don't help you in God's Forbidden. I put her in our room and let her sleep.

  "Nicole, King want you in his office pronto," Night said. I nodded. I walked to his office two men were standing there they didn't even notice me till' King whistled. I slit both their necks open they fell to the ground. I cleaned the blood off with a paper towel. "I need Camille where da heck is she." King grumbled.

  "She in da room King." I said.

  "Tell her to come or her butt is mine." King says.

  "Alright, " I nodded. I walked to the room to get Camille. She was looking at herself in the mirror with the new gang outfit I had got her.

  "Cam, King want you or yo butt is his," I told her. She followed me to King's office. "Sit down Camille," King said.

  "You needed me King," Camille said.

  "Talk like ya sista she can talk like us guys on the street," King grumbled. "You my new girl I need a new girl we got a meeting at The Black Knights they wanna talk and you gone get me some new members."

  "What's that suppose to mean King I gotta sit on yo lap kissing all over ya and actin all cute," Camille grumbled.

  "Yeah that's exactly it but if you don't you gone regret it," King warned.

Book 1: Gang LoveWhere stories live. Discover now