The Secrets I won't tell

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King woke me up from a very peaceful sleep." What do you want," I groaned.

"Wake up we got stuff to take care of like the fight with ya mama," he replied.

"Oh your right I'll be up in a minute Bae," I said.

I put on a sports bra, jogging pants and a hoodie. I leaned against the wall outside the house. King came outside and we walked to the car. He drove me to the gym. We walked inside, I walked over to the arena where my mom was waiting.

I took my hoodie off and put on boxing gloves. I kissed King on the cheek and walked into the arena. I know it's probably wrong to wrestle with your mother but we were never a family much. We circled each other for a bit and really started fighting.

I threw punches and blocked my self. My mom threw punches and never blocked her self. She forfeited and I won. Not much of a accomplishment to me. I walked away and grabbed my hoodie. "I'll be back King I need to go somewhere, be back in a while," I told King.

He nodded and I walked away. I ran to Zara and Binky's apartment. I knocked and Zara opened the door holding Temara. Binky was cleaning up the house. Zara hugged me. I smiled and looked around.

"Hey Darrel how's everything," I smiled.

"Nice and Nicole how's the baby situation with you and King," he asked.

"It's not a topic I really don't like talking about's never a topic we really can hold up for long periods of time or five minutes," I chuckled sheepishly.

"Why is that it seems like you guys hit it off a lot and I mean a lot," Zara chimed in.

"Yeah well that doesn't mean I want to have a baby Zara!" I snapped.

"Well I'm sorry Nikki you don't got to get all defensive!"

"I'm sorry Zara I think I need to leave," I said.

"Nikki please," Zara practically begged.

I hugged her and left. I walked the streets for a while and walked to the gang Furious Jaguars. I walked in and got praise for nothing. I walked upstairs to my dad's office. His henchman blocked the door into the office. "It's Nicole I've got the money," I informed them.

"Let her in," my father called from the office."Hey sweetheart you got my money."

"Yea I do for the week I'm low on cash right now."

"Really are you Miss Queen I heard so you better have it or secrets come out," my dad said slyly.

"I don't have the money right now you cannot do this to me!"

"I can do whatever I want to you bitch!"

I looked at him and started walking he grabbed my arm. I shuddered as he tightened his grip on my arm. I took the money out of my pocket and a few extra 100's and put it in his hands. He loosened his grip and shoved me out of his office.

I walked out of the house and went to a mini mart around the corner. I bought a lighter and a bag of Doritos. King picked me up at the corner. I took out a cigarette and lit it. I smoked until the cigarette went out. I flicked it out the window.

We arrived at the mansion and I sat in the room. King took his shower and I laid on the bed, there was a knock on the door I walked downstairs. At the door was a police officer, I opened the door.

"Nicole Smith your under arrest," the officer said.

Book 1: Gang LoveWhere stories live. Discover now