Chapter 6

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<Skip to Monday>

I woke up upset that I had school. In my mind school is this;

School= Hell

I hate it.

Chris told me he'd pick me to drive me and Shawn to school. After getting all did and done, I heard The doorbell ring.

"Ava! It's Chris!" My mom yelled up the stairs. I told her everything that happened including what happened on the first day of school. The whole time my mom was just excited I got a boyfriend. You know, since I haven't been what she calls 'social' since my dad passed.

"I'll be right down!" I yelled back at her. I threw my backpack per my shoulder and ran downstairs. My mom handed me an apple as I ran outside to see Chris leaning on his car.


"Ready." He gave me a quick kiss on the forehead, which gave me goosebumps. A kiss on the forehead. Why am I acting like this? He opened the door for me and I got in his car.

"So." I started.

"So?" Chris asked with confusion.

"Are we like, dating now?" I asked.

"Only if you want, I mean I want to be your boyfriend and I don't know if you want that but if you do then yeah. Yeah we're dating." Chris said really fast.

"Well- it looks like I have a boyfriend now." I said smiling at him. Chris smiled and drove our way to school. Once we got to hell, Christian took my hand and walked me into school. I saw people whispering and pointing at us clarifying they see that we're dating.

"Don't mind them." Chris whispered to me.

The school bully, Natalia, then came over to us. Chris and I tried to walk past her but apparently she wanted a conversation.

"Hey Christian." She said, putting a hand on his chest. Chris took her hand and moved it away from him.

"Natalia- leave us alone, I'm dating Ava and please stop asking, I'm not going to date you." Chris said, through gritted teeth.

"But why would you go out with a nobody like her?" Natalia said, smirking at me.

"Hey! Do not call her that! I don't know who the hell you think you are and I don't care who you are. Leave us alone!" Chris said in her face and pulled me with him as he shoved past her. I turned around and gave Natalia a smirk as I gave Christian a kiss on the cheek. I saw her take her too short shorts, too shot crop top and too high heels stomp away.

"Well that went well." Chris said smiling at me.

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