Chapter 10

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"Ah, Mr. Collins." Our principal said as he walked in. "I believe you're the reason of this incident."

"It was Natalia." Chris stated, not paying attention to a thing she was saying.

"Excuse me?" Natalia yelled. "It was most certainly not me!"

"I have evidence." He said, quietly.

"How th-" Natalia started.

"My brother goes to this school as well, just so you know. He took a video on his phone, that's how I know, he sent it to me." Chris walked over to the desk and showed the video. "You see? She walked over to her and started bothering her, what Ava did was self defense." I smiled at Chris knowing I never asked him to stand up for me. We've been dating like 5 days and I'm already falling in love with him if that's even possible. I didn't even know he had a brother, none the less, a brother who videotaped me beating up the most annoying person in the world.

"I see. Well, both of you girls are suspended for one week. Lord help this school..." I walked out of the office and glared at Natalia. Chris helped me with my stuff and we drove to my house.

"Well. Now we're suspended together." Chris smiled.

"But- I didn't exactly think this through. My mom is going to kill me. But besides that I have a couple questions for you."

"Since when did you have a brother?" Christian laughed at my confused face.

"I have a brother, Crawford and two sisters, Kirsten and Karisma. Why don't you know this?" Chris was laughing so hard to the point where we had to stop the car and let him control himself.

"Chris! This isn't funny! I didn't know!"
"They're always at my house!"
"I just never noticed!"

"What an observant fellow you are."

"Shut up and drive."

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