Chapter 14

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"Can you go get the broom please?" My mom asked me. I walked upstairs and got the broom. I started sweeping the floor.  "Let me do that." I sat on the stairs watching my mom clean up. Once finished we went upstairs and sat at the kitchen table.

"Honey, I've been meaning to talk to about something." My mom started.

"Yeah?" I hope it isn't important too much on my mind this time of year.

"Well, you know how much I miss and love your father and I know how much you miss and love him to, but I think your father would be okay with it if I started to date again." Oh God.

"Are you telling me your seeing someone?"

"Yeah, his name Michael and he's super sweet and-" I cut my mother off.

"Mom, you're having a relationship with someone! And you didn't tell me or even ask me if I was okay with it?!" I was furious from the thought of my mother sharing a relationship with someone who wasn't my dad.

"It doesn't matter what you think of it." My mom snapped.

"How long have you been together?"

"Six months."

"You're kidding."

"No and - um. He asked me to marry him last night."

"I can't believer you mom. I'm not even gonna-... I'm going to Chris' house I'll sleep there. Bye." I slammed the door behind me and walked next door. I rang the doorbell 4 times until Karisma opened the door.

"We have to stop meeting this way." She joked. 

"I need girl time and a hug from my boyfriend." I said in front of all the Collin's kids. (A.N that is SO MUCH FUN TO SAY). Christian hugged me and I want to stay there forever his hugs were so warm and fluffy and he always smelled so gooooooood.

"What's wrong?" Asked Crawford.

"Well, my dad died only 2 years ago. And my mom is going to re-marry someone I don't even know. I'm just really mad. I guess."

"Stay here tonight- I'll led you some clothes, we can watch a chick flick and have pizza and candy. How's that sound?"

"Amazing." I breathed.

"Bye then." Chris and Crawford called as they walked to the living room I guess to play video games or something.

"Come on!! Let's have fun!!!" Karisma called.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2016 ⏰

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