Chapter 13

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"I love you." My eyes opened wide, staring at Chris after he said those 3 words. I didn't know what to say, did I  love Christian? I just stared without saying anything until I realized."

"Christian, I love you to." Chris got up from his little hammock thing (A.N idek) and walked up to me. He took my hand and we did even more walking, without saying anything.

"Is all this... walking necessary?" I asked between breaths.

"I have to bring you somewhere." 

Guess what?

We walked for another freaking half hour.

"Christian. I can't feel my legs."

"We're here." I looked up from ground and we were at my house.

"Really? We couldn't of called an uber or something?"

"Oh yeah, but whatever, you know are going to go inside and talk to your mom."

"Nope. No way, nada." I told him. I don't like fighting with my mom, I always lose!

"Come on, go inside, I'll be at my house, text we what happens. Buh bye baby girl."

"Fine, but only because you called me baby girl. Bye babe." I walked into my own house holding my breath waiting for screams that will erupt. I didn't see my mom anywhere. I went into our living room, both of our rooms, and the kitchen. We really had no other rooms in our house. I decided to check the basement. I walked down slowly and carefully.


"Yeah?" I sighed a breath of relief my mom was okay and I actually found her.

"What are you doing in the basement?"

"I don't want to fight A. So, I came down here to deal with my anger towards you.

"What'd you do mom?" My mom had an awful temper so she probably broke something. I started scanning the room for anything broken. I saw a lot of broken white glass by one of the cement walls.

"Let's just say we no longer have our fine china."

"Mom, I'm sorry." I walked back upstairs without hearing a reply from my mother. I grabbed my phone and texted Chris;

'everything is fine, we're hanging out tmrw pls'

'yes, but i have a surprise again'

'i hate you.'

'love you babe.'

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