Chapter 9

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"You're gonna what!?!" Chris flipped out when I told him I needed to get suspended.

"I'm going to try to get suspended. Why would I be in school! It's our last week before break anyway."

"Just skip- don't get suspended." Chris demanded.

"All the good colleges care about skipping more then suspension. They need to know you're serious."

"do whatever you want babe- I'll see you after school?" Chris asked, walking towards me, in my living room.

"Yup." Chris kissed my forehead and I started to walk to my school. Chris is possibly the best thing that's ever happened to me. Like all I want his him. And it all started from me 'hating him'.
As I walked to school I just kept thinking about Chris more and more as the day went on. Finally, lunch happened and I was feeling better after eating.

"So, your little boyfriend beat up mine for you." Natalia walked over to me.

"Natalia- stay away from me." I said, glaring at her.

"Why would I turn my back on a poor nobody who's dating a guy who probably doesn't even li-" I didn't let Natalia finish her sentance. I punched her right in the jaw.

"Yeah! Girl fight!" Some guy yelled.

"Ahh! Someone get the nurse!" Natalia cried, he mouth was bleeding a bit but she was acting like she was seconds away from dying. After a minute all the school staff showed up and come to see what happened.

"Miss. McAdams, Miss. Conall- please follow me." The principal of course walked in at the worst time of course. Natalia and I followed her to her office as Natalia pretended to cry.

"Miss. McAdams- why would you ever think of punching a fellow student? What caused this?"

"She was being very very mean and disrespectful." I stated.

"Not true!" Natalia comlained.

"Calm down girls! What was she saying?" I told her the whole story- everything without leaving a single vowel out.

That's when Chris walked in.

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