Chapter 12

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"W-what?" Chris was astonished at my answer.
"I want to get to know your family. Starting with your siblings."
"Fine. But I'm trusting you on this one. They're all like, obsessed with you."
"Come on." I laughed. I grabbed Chris' hand and walked him downstairs. "Hi, I'm Ava." I said, to this beautiful girl which was probably his younger sister.
"Hi!!! I'm Karisma, this is Crawford and Kirsten." I smiled at all of them.
"You guys are unbelievable." Chris laughed.
"What??" Crawford smacked Chris' head.
"Don't act like angels in front of my girlfriend, I'm sure she knows by now from me we're an insane family, so don't act like angels cause you guys are monkeys."
"MONKEYS!?! I DO MY MAKEUP AND HAIR 2 HOURS EVERY MORNING: THIS FACE ISN'T A MONKEY'S FACE CHRISTIAN COLLINS!" Kirsten yelled. We all laughed until her face went back to a normal color.
"Well, you met my siblings time to go bye bye." Chris said, leading me by the hand outside his house. I quickly waved to Christians siblings and hopped outside.
"I love your family." I told Chris once we were outside.
"Thanks I guess. C'mon I wanna take you somewhere." Chris walked me into a part of town I've never been.
"Where are we going?" I asked as we walked.
"We're almost there." Chris assured me as we just kept walking. After 5 more minutes of silence and heavy breathing, Chris said that we were there. It was a junkyard. 
"What is it?"
"I found it the day I moved here, it's an old car junkyard. I built something, come see." We walked to another side of the junkyard. I saw a  giant tarp over a little corner where I guess Chris hung out. There were 3 hammocks and a long table in front of it. There were star lights and of course a mini fridge.
"This is so cool, you built this yourself?"
"Yeah, I wanted you to be the first to see it."
"It's amazing." Christian led me inside the little for the built and we laid on the hammocks.
"This is so relaxing, I love it." I said.
"This is where my best naps are." We laughed and chilled for the rest of the day. By 8:00 we were slowly falling asleep.
"Hey Ava." I heard Chris say very softly.
"I love you."

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