Chapter 13

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She silently prayed hoping that Pattrick wouldn't see the 'boot open' sign blink in the car. And that's exactly what happened. The old buttler missed it. He parked his car in the parking lot and before he could get out Sarah slipped out trying her best to avoid creating noise and ducked behind the car adjacent to his. Once out he frowned at the open boot and banged it shut. And then she saw his retreating figure. Straightening  up she quietly sneaked the other way as fast as her hurt foot could carry her.

After making sure that she was out of site she slowed down and bought the lapels of her coat together trying to give her freezing body some warmth. Her eyes travelled to the now almost hidden sun adumbrated by the clouds. As she limped through the thick of the winter she knew anytime now it could snow but it didn't stop her from moving further. One more street and she'd call for a taxi she thought. Now standing in front of the coral vine plants which fenced the tiny school where she taught as a teacher her heart shattered into a million pieces.

This was her life. She taught here. Before the massive upheaval in her life she worked as a teacher at this school..English. She loved the language. Nothing in life made her more happy than looking at the bright and innocent faces of the children she spent a major part of her life with daily. Running her fingers lightly over the white fence she plodded further in search of a taxi.

She never had the interest in her parents property or the amount of money they had. The lavish lifestyle and the grand parties held no meaning to her. Her life mainly revolved around David, who understood her to depths her parents didn't, who encouraged her to persue her dream of teaching and with whom she had fallen in love with. But spending time with James over the past few months had her in doubt. If David loved her wouldn't he have heard her when she pleaded him to listen to her? Wouldn't he have atleast tried to find out the truth? Didn't he see it in her eyes that night?

And then there was James. The man had who had her all messed up. He made her feel so many things at the same time...fear, sadness, attraction and finally safety. she knew she could bank on him. Yes, he was possessive about her but it didn't bother her infact it made her feel wanted. Despite being ruthless towards her was she out of her mind to feel attracted towards him? How could that happen? Even the site or smell of him would cause her belly to knot up, making her insides all gooey. She shivered at the thought of those well formed muscles and the hard chest. Those manly hands and his lips. David never kissed her like that. He was gentle with her. But James didn't care. He made her feel like a grown woman making her aware of her feminity. She closed her eyes tightly and blew out an unsteady breath.

"Taxi!" She waved her hand to the red vehicle.

Settling inside she made a mental note. If the plan worked out well, that was, to visit Peter spend time with him and get back to the mansion without anybody knowing, she could always do it again and maybe even visit her school next time. The boarding school was on the other side on the outskirts of London, a drive of approximately one hour and forty five minutes from the city.

'Peter' she smiled to herself.

Two years back, on an exceptionally cold night she had found the little child crouched in a corner in front of a bakery, hungry and alone. He caught her eye, as he sat outside looking at food to eat. And that was it. She couldn't take the lost eyes of the child out of her mind. She took him home, provided him with food and shelter, without the consent of her father. Even without any blood relation, it was a matter of time and the child became her world.

Her heart bubbled with excitement as the taxi entered the school premises. Swiping her credit card through the little machine at the back she thanked the taxi driver and got out carefully. Trying to trod a little faster she hurried to the administration office. She waited patiently and that's when when Sister Linette walked in. She knew Sarah really well.

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