Chapter Two

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Chapter Two:

 All day I haven’t seen Bryce, Ty or whatever you want to call him by. I finally threw my hands up in defeat come lunch time and just decided to go and lose myself again in the library like normal. I will find him eventually and I will get a confession out of him one way or another. Walking through the double doors of the library I dropped City of Bones down with a thump in front of Mrs. White.

She raised a finger to her lips and stifled a giggle. “Jaidyn dear, this is a library, try to be quieter.”

“Sure thing Mrs. W.” I teased. “I’m going to go get lost in the second book now.”

She gave me a soft smile and waved me towards the direction I needed to go. Spinning around on my heel I go down the familiar row, grab the book I’m looking for and head towards my favorite table only to find it already occupied. That’s my spot! How dare someone sit there!

Plopping my new book down with a thump to gain the intruders attention I raised an eyebrow.

“Excuse me? Some people are trying to study.” The table stealer said, graciousness dripping like sarcasm from every syllable.

“Well Ty, this is my spot.” I put emphasis on his real name and set myself down on the chair in front of him.

He rolled his eyes and a slight smirk appeared, “I don’t see your name anywhere on the table or the chairs, so I do believe that you are not the owner and I can sit here.”

“No contradiction about your name not being Ty?”

Shrugging he dog eared the book he was currently reading before I disturbed him. “Why? You know the truth, I’m not going to lie and say I’m not who you say I am.”

“So you really are Ty Caiona?” I couldn’t help but mentally fist pump the air. I knew I was right. I knew it!

“Obviously, but can I ask something of you?” He muttered pushing up his glasses.

“What?” I couldn’t help but cross my arms like a child. He was going to ask something of me? Then I better get the reason for the identity change because as far as I know, I’m the one with the advantage since I know his little secret. Well not the entire secret but still…

“Don’t tell anyone who I really am.” He got straight to the point, his tone sounded like he meant business.

“Or what?”

He leaned forward, his face close enough that I could see the flecks in his eyes shining against the bright light above the table. “You don’t want to know.”

Like he was going to scare me, once I get interested in something I won’t give in. It’s not in my nature not to uncover a mystery and this is a very peculiar mystery indeed. “Then tell me why you are pretending to be Bryce Acklin, the new student from New York?”

He leaned back and sighed before replying. “The reason is not important, just promise me you won’t say anything…To anyone, not even your friends.”

Something in his tone made me want to agree even though I hate secrets and just thinking about keeping something from my friends and sister makes me feel guilty already. But I nodded my head regardless and promised to not say a word to anyone. I have a feeling I’m going to regret this later on.

“So how did you know who I was right off the bat?” He was curious, which I could see why he would be because it seems as if I’m the only one in the school who noticed anything. I must go to school with a bunch of oblivious idiots.

He Lied, She BelievedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant